Testi delle Canzoni di Adagio

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Adagio più ricercate.

  1. Arcanas Tenebrae
  2. Archangels In Black
  3. A World Of Dreams
  4. Beautiful Like Sadness
  5. Children of the Dead Lake
  6. Chosen
  7. Codex Oscura
  8. Darkness Forever
  9. Darkness Machine
  10. Dominate
  11. Fame
  12. Fear Circus
  13. Fire Forever
  14. From My Sleep... To Someone Else
  15. Getsu Senshi
  16. I'll Possess You
  17. In Nomine
  18. Introitus / Solvet Saeclum In Favilla
  19. Kissing the Crow
  20. Lamiai
  21. Life
  22. Loneliness
  23. Mater Mors
  24. Missa Aeterna
  25. My Last Good Bye
  26. Next Profundis
  27. Nifleim
  28. Nightmare
  29. Ocean Of Tears
  30. Panem Et Circences
  31. Promises
  32. R'Lyeh the Dead
  33. Red Flowers As The Passion
  34. Romantic Serenades In The Dawn
  35. Sanctus Ignis
  36. Secluded Within Myself
  37. Second Sight
  38. Seven Lands Of Sin
  39. Stylus Carnibus
  40. Subrahmanya
  41. Succubus
  42. Tears Of Blood
  43. Terror Jungle
  44. The Astral Pathway
  45. The Bone Dance
  46. The Darkitecht
  47. The Fifth Ankh
  48. The Grand Spirit Voyage
  49. The Inner Road
  50. The Ladder
  51. The Mirror Stage
  52. The Search
  53. The Stringless Violin
  54. To The Death
  55. Torn
  56. Trippin' Away
  57. Twilight At Dawn
  58. Undead
  59. Underworld
  60. Undying
  61. Vamphyri
  62. Wonderful Life
  63. Your Soft Touch

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