Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Against The Current che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Against The Current, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.
- Strangers Again
- Legends Never Die
- The Fuss
- Thinking
- Voices
- Weapon
- 22 (feat. Alex Goot, Sam Tsui, Kurt Hugo Schneider & King The Kid)
- again&again (feat. guardin)
- Ain't It Fun
- All I Want For Christmas Is You
- All Too Well
- Almost Forgot
- Another You (Another Way)
- Beauty And A Beat (feat. Alex Goot and Kurt Hugo Schneider)
- blindfolded
- Blood Like Gasoline
- Brighter
- Brighter
- Burn It Down
- Catch My Breath (feat. Alex Goot)
- Chasing Ghosts
- Chocolate
- Closer, Faster
- Come Alive
- Comeback Kid
- Counting Stars (feat. Alex Goot & Kurt Hugo Schneider)
- Demons
- Dreaming Alone (feat. Taka)
- Eyes Like Guns
- Find You (feat. Alex Goot)
- Fireproof
- Forget Me Now
- Friendly Reminder
- Good Guy
- Good Time (feat. Alex Goot)
- Gravity
- Guessing
- Habits (Stay High)
- Heart Attack (feat. Sam Tsui)
- I Like The Way
- I Really Like You
- I Wanna Get Better
- Ima Sugu Kiss Me
- In Our Bones
- Infinity
- Jump
- Lullaby
- Nada Sousou
- Not Over You (feat. Alex Goot)
- One More Night (feat. Alex Goot, Julia Sheer, Luke Conard, Chad Sugg, Miss Glamorazzi & Corey Gray)
- One More Weekend
- Outsiders
- P.A.T.T.
- Paralyzed
- Personal
- Photograph (feat. Alex Goot)
- Red
- Roses
- Runaway
- Running With The Wild Things
- Scream
- See You Again
- Shake It Off (feat. Kurt Hugo Schneider)
- Shatter
- She Looks So Perfect
- silent stranger
- Something You Need
- Steal The Night
- Sweet Surrender
- Talk
- Teenagers (feat. The Summer Set)
- That Won't Save Us
- The Beginning
- Uptown Funk
- Wasteland
- Wildfire
- Wildfire (LEC Version)
- Young And Relentless
- Zombie
- Caught It (feat. Chrissy Costanza & VOILÀ)
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