Testo di ' Missing You ' di Artie J

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At the end of the day, bro, if you're single and I'm single, I'm doin' whatever the fuck I want and you're doin' whatever the fuck you want until otherwise, until an agreement, until whatever, you know what I mean?
But for you to know that y'all are exclusive and you're allowin' him to have other options while you stay here at home and be a loyal bitch, like, come on, you're dumb
You're dumb, why are you playin' dumb?

oh, yeah, we broke up 'cause I fucked up
I fucked up on you
I didn't mean it at all, to break up like that
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you)
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you)

Shawty, but this time I'm feeling like I'm missin' you (I'm missing you)
I didn't realize your trust was the only thing I wanted in a girl like you
You were so perfect in every way
(You were so perfect, girl, give me a shot)
Don't live your life without me, my girl
Don't live your life without me, my girl
Don't live your life without me, my girl
(Don't live your life without me, my girl)
Yeah-yeah, yeah

Why are you cryin'?
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about you

oh, yeah, we broke up 'cause I fucked up
I fucked up on you
I didn't mean it at all, to break up like that
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you)
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you, shawty)

Yeah, I broke up with a girl, who genuinely fuck with me
Broke up with a girl, who fucking loved me
Broke up with a girl 'cause I was insecure
And I realize that I fucked up and I loved ya
And I need ya, oh babe
All these girls ain't you
I hope you pick up your phone
Pick up the phone, girl
Girl, I was wrong to hurt you
Girl, I was wrong to burn you
Girl, yeah, I'm sorry
I hope you pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, girl
Pick up the phone, girl
Pick up the phone, girl
Pick up the phone, girl
Pick up the phone, girl
Pick up the phone, girl
(Love, love, oh love)
(Oh-ah, oh-oh)

Shawty, but this time I'm feeling like I'm missin' you (I'm missing you)
I didn't realize your trust was the only thing I wanted in a girl like you
You were so perfect in every way
(You were so perfect, girl, give me a shot)
Don't live your life without me, my girl
Don't live your life without me, my girl
Don't live your life without me, my girl
(Don't live your life without me, my girl)
Yeah-yeah, yeah

Why are you cryin'?
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about you

oh, yeah, we broke up 'cause I fucked up
I fucked up on you
I didn't mean it at all, to break up like that
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you)
(I'm missing you, I'm missing you, shawty)

Yeah, I broke up with a girl who genuinely fuck with me
Broke up with a girl who fucking loved me
Broke up with a girl 'cause I was insecure
And I realize that I fucked up and I loved ya
And I need ya, oh babe
All these girls ain't you
I hope you pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, girl

Play Escuchar " Missing You " gratis en Amazon Unlimited

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È importante notare che Artie J , nei concerti dal vivo, non è sempre stato o sarà fedele al testo della canzone Missing You ... Quindi è meglio concentrarsi su ciò che dice la canzone Missing You nell'album.

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