Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di As I Lay Dying più ricercate.
- Through Struggle
- Confined
- An Ocean Between Us
- I Never Wanted
- Nothing Left
- Parallels
- 94 Hours
- Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes
- Cauterize
- Forever
- Forsaken
- Reflection
- Roots Below
- The Darkest Nights
- The Sound Of Truth
- A Breath In The Eyes Of Eternity
- A Greater Foundation
- A Long March
- A Thousand Steps
- American Tragedy
- Anger and Apathy
- Anodyne Sea
- As I Lay Dying
- Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
- Beyond Our Suffering
- Blinded
- Blood Turned To Tears
- Burn To Emerge
- Bury Us All
- Choking On A Dream
- Cofee Mug (Descendents Cover)
- Collision
- Comfort Betrays
- Condemned
- Control is Dead
- Defender
- Destruction Or Strength
- Distance Is Darkness
- Electric Eye
- Elegy
- Eletric Eye
- Empty Hearts
- Falling Upon Deaf Ears
- Forced To Die
- From Shapeless To Breakable
- Gatekeeper
- Illusions
- Impassioned Arousal
- Losing Sight
- Meaning In Tragedy
- Moments And In Between
- Morning Waits
- Moving Forward
- My Only Home
- My Own Grave
- No Lungs To Breathe
- Only After We've Fallen
- Overcome
- Paralyzed
- Paralyzed
- Porcelain Angels
- Redefined
- Refined By Your Embrace
- Reinvention
- Repeating Yesterday
- Resilience
- Resiliencia
- Seperation
- Shaped By Fire
- Song 10
- Spite And Splinter
- Surrounded
- Take What's Left
- Tear Out My Eyes
- The Beginning
- The Blinding of False Light
- The Innocence Spilled
- The Only Constant Is Change
- The Pain Of Separation
- The Plague
- The Toll It Takes
- The Truth of My Perception
- The Voices That Betray Me
- The Wreckage
- This Is Who We Are
- Torn Between
- Torn Within
- Undefined
- Undertow
- Unwound
- Upside Down Kingdom
- Vacancy
- War Ensemble
- Wasted Words
- Welter In Carnal Lust
- When This World Fades
- Whispering Silence
- Within Destruction
- Without Conclusion
- World Intruded
- Wrath Upon Ourselves
- We Are The Dead (feat. Alex Terrible & Tom Barber)
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Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di As I Lay Dying, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
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