Testi delle Canzoni di Blindside

  1. Endings
  2. 3:16
  3. A Brand New Me
  4. A Song For You
  5. About A Burning Fire
  6. Across Waters
  7. Across Waters Again
  8. Act
  9. After You're Gone
  10. All Of Us
  11. Along For The Ride
  12. Anything Right
  13. As You Walk
  14. Ask Me Now
  15. Black Rose
  16. Bloodstained Hollywood Ending
  17. Born
  18. Bring Out Your Dead
  19. Burn
  20. Caught A Glimpse
  21. City Lights
  22. Close
  23. Cold
  24. Come To Rest (Hesychia)
  25. Coming Back To Life
  26. Cute Boring Love
  27. Daughter
  28. Desert Flowers (From Stone To Backbone)
  29. Deuce
  30. Die Buying
  31. Empty Box
  32. Eye Of The Storm
  33. Fell In Love With The Game
  34. Follow You Down
  35. Free To Decide
  36. Gravedigger
  37. Heartattack
  38. Hooray, It's L.A.
  39. I Know Why You Dress In Black
  40. In Black
  41. In The Air Of Truth
  42. Invert
  43. Invisible
  44. Irrelevant Thoughts
  45. It's All I Have
  46. King Of The Closet
  47. Knocking On Another Door
  48. Last Goodbye
  49. Letdown
  50. Liberty
  51. Life Cure
  52. Lova Herren
  53. Midnight
  54. Monster On The Radio
  55. My Alibi
  56. My Heart Escapes
  57. My Mother's Only Son
  58. Nara
  59. NäRa
  60. Nerve
  61. Never
  62. Nothing But Skin
  63. Nra
  64. One Mind
  65. One Way Out
  66. Our Love Saves Us
  67. Painting
  68. Pitiful
  69. Pretty Nights
  70. Put Back The Stars
  71. Replay
  72. Roads
  73. She Shut Your Eyes
  74. Shekina
  75. Sidewinder
  76. Silence
  77. Silver Speak
  78. Silverspeak
  79. Sleep Walking
  80. Sleepwalking
  81. Slow Motion
  82. Speechless
  83. Still
  84. Sunrise
  85. Superman
  86. Swallow
  87. TeddyBear
  88. The Color Of My Eyes
  89. The Endings
  90. The Great Depression
  91. The Way You Dance
  92. There Must Be Something In The Water
  93. There Must Be Something In The Wind
  94. This Is A Heart Attack
  95. This Shoulder
  96. This Time
  97. Thought Like Flames
  98. Time Will Change Your Heart
  99. Violate
  100. Vow Of Silence
  101. Walking home
  102. We Are To Follow
  103. We're All Going to Die
  104. When I Remember
  105. Where Eye Meets Eye
  106. Where The Sun Never Dies
  107. With Shivering Hearts We Wait
  108. Withering
  109. Yemkela
  110. Yesteryear
  111. You Can Hide It
  112. You Must Be Bleeding Under Your Eyelids

I Blindside sono un gruppo musicale post-hardcore proveniente da Stoccolma, Svezia attivo dal 1994.

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