Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Blitzkid?
- She Dominates
- Pretty In a Casket
- Blutsauger
- Cannibal Flesh riot
- Return To The Living
- A Blind Bargain
- A Hopeless Night
- Ad Nauseum Memorie
- Among The Dead
- As The Rope Bridge Sways
- Black Mountain Backstep
- Bloodletting
- Bluebirds Over The Mountin
- Bodysnatchers
- Bonus
- Candyman
- Carve Out a Heart
- Casque Of Amontillado
- Cedar Bluff
- Cold Skin
- Couch Potato Romance
- Dead Again
- Deadhouse
- Dementia
- Demon Machine
- Diabolos Rising
- Down On Life
- Dumb Guy In Love
- Dying Day
- En Infinitus Sleepus
- Evil Hand
- Fill Yer Life With Somethin'
- Five Cellars Below
- Five Cellars below (hidden track)
- Genus Unknown
- Hate you Better
- Head Over Hills
- Hellraiser
- Hopeless Night
- I Can't Skate
- I Walk The Line
- I'm a Zombie
- I'm On Fire
- Invoke The Beast
- Invoke The Beast / Attack Of The Ghoulies
- Jane Doe #9
- Lady In The Lake
- Let's Go To The Cemetary
- Let's Go To The Cemetery
- Little Frankenstein
- Long Dark Hallway
- Love Like Blood
- Lupen Tooth
- Making a Monster
- Mary And The Storm
- Midnight Mile
- Midnight On Lovers Lane
- Monocaine Blues
- Moonlite Veins
- Motel Hell
- Motorized Homicide
- Mr. Gore
- Mr. Sardonicus
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Dying Bride
- Myers (october 31)
- Myers(october 31)
- Nadine
- Nevermore
- Nobody
- Nosferatu
- Nowhereville
- Peachy Keen
- Reanimated
- Salem's Ghost
- Sammy Gone Wrong
- Sandbox
- She Wolf
- She Won't Stop Bleeding
- Slaughter At The Sock Hop
- Slayera
- Slayers
- Some Kind Of Hate (misfits cover)
- Starlite Decay
- Teenage Necrophilian Love
- Terror In The Haunted House
- The Awakening
- The Bat Whispers
- The Creature Walks Among Us
- The Devil's a Vampire
- The Fog
- The Gripes
- The Hills Have Eyes
- The Howling
- The Iscariot
- The Lunacy Of Lonely Mr. Cadaver
- The Midnite Mile
- The Perfect Sleep
- The Pumpkinpatch Murders
- The Torn Prince
- The Trunk
- The Vanishing Riders
- Theme For a Jackal
- These Walls
- They Come
- They're All Dead
- Unearthed
- Vanishing Riders
- Wretched
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Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Blitzkid, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Blitzkid.
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