Testo di 'Balerion' di Bloodbound

Born in Valyria, one out of five
Doomsday draws near and they fled to survive
Wingspan so vast casting shadows of all
Teeth long as swords and they're heeding the call

He was named by the god of the Freehold
He was claimed by the blood of kings
As he took to the sky he was greatest of them all

Balerion the Black Dread descending
Balerion put the castle to flame
My Balerion the master of fire
Balerion you're the death from above
And the three of the fabled unite
Black Dread field of fire

Aegon turned west set to conquer or fall
Mounting the beast and destroying the wall
Fire so black as the scales on his back
Towers of Harrenhal under attack

He was named by the god of the Freehold
He was claimed by the blood of kings
As he took to the sky he was greatest of them all

Balerion the Black Dread descending
Balerion put the castle to flame
My Balerion the master of fire
Balerion you're the death from above
And the three of the fabled unite
Black Dread field of fire

Cross the Blackwater facing the king
Gave him till sunset time to surrender
Towers went up like candles burn down
Twisted shapes they retain to this day

He was named by the god of the Freehold
He was claimed by the blood of kings
As he took to the sky he was greatest of them all

Balerion the Black Dread descending
Balerion put the castle to flame
My Balerion the master of fire
Balerion you're the death from above
And the three of the fabled unite
Black Dread field of fire

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