Testo di 'In For The Kill' di Bloodbound

In the darkest of hours
When the ending is near
I pray for a sign
To be free of the fear
Now my journey has ended
And my time hear is done
The axis align
And the reaper has come

Nothing but loneliness
Behind the doors of heaven
Feeling the emptiness
Leaving the past behind

Rise to the lord
In the land of the dead
Where the stars
And the sun never shines
Fight to be free
By the hand i have bled
Now in for the kill

Rise to the lord
Of the wicked and wild
Where the dusk
And the dawn never ends
Fight to be free
From the unholy child
Now in for the kill

I can see the horizon
Flashing before my eyes
A tunnel of light
Like a bridge in the night
It's the last time you'll see me
There is no need to cry
A sinner was born
Now he's leaving the light

Nothing but loneliness
Wait for me i am dying
Feeling the emptiness
Leaving the past behind

Rise to the lord
In the land of the dead
Where the stars
And the sun never shines
Fight to be free
By the hand i have bled
Now in for the kill

Rise to the lord
Of the wicked and wild
Where the dusk
And the dawn never ends
Fight to be free
From the unholy child
Now in for the kill

In the darkest of hours
When the ending is near
We rise to the lord
In for the kill

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