Testo di 'Mimir's Crystal Eye' di Bloodbound

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After many years of traveling north
On the dark and misty roads
He was hailing from a land afar
He was forced to walk alone
When he ended up in northern realms
And the tales of ancient lores
He could walk amongst the mortals
Far from home

I'll make them all see visions
I'll be their prime advisor
When it's time I will betray my past

In the prophecies there's no tomorrow
Legacies of death and sorrow
Lost his eye forever
And imprisoned bound to be
Over hundred winters later
He was bribed by promises of freedom
Never broke the silence
By the magic of Mimir's crystal eye

I believe the queen of Valkyries
Holds the key to every door
She was sailing from a distant land
She was washed up on the shore
On the morning of her wakening
till the Sun had settled down
She was royalty to be
To wear the crown

I'll make them all see visions
I'll be their prime advisor
When it's time I will betray my past

In the prophecies there's no tomorrow
Legacies of death and sorrow
Lost his eye forever
And imprisoned bound to be
Over hundred winters later
He was bribed by promises of freedom
Never broke the silence
By the magic of Mimir's crystal eye

Has the power to see it all
See the future the rise and fall
In the end he will never fly again (never fly again)
Be the wisest of men to write the history
In death I see I cannot be the master of it all

In the prophecies there's no tomorrow
Legacies of death and sorrow
Lost his eye forever
And imprisoned bound to be
Over hundred winters later
He was bribed by promises of freedom
Never broke the silence
By the magic of Mimir's crystal eye

La ragione più comune per voler conoscere il testo di Mimir's Crystal Eye è che ti piace molto. Ovviamente, no?

Sapere cosa dice il testo di Mimir's Crystal Eye ci permette di mettere più sentimento nell'interpretazione.

Se la tua motivazione per aver cercato il testo della canzone Mimir's Crystal Eye era che ti piaceva moltissimo, speriamo che tu possa goderti il cantarla.

Qualcosa che succede più spesso di quanto pensiamo è che le persone cercano il testo di Mimir's Crystal Eye perché c'è qualche parola nella canzone che non capiscono bene e vogliono assicurarsi di cosa dica.

Stai litigando con il tuo partner perché capite cose diverse ascoltando Mimir's Crystal Eye? Avere a portata di mano il testo della canzone Mimir's Crystal Eye di Bloodbound può risolvere molte dispute, e lo speriamo.

Ricorda che quando hai bisogno di conoscere il testo di una canzone, puoi sempre contare su di noi, come è accaduto ora con il testo della canzone Mimir's Crystal Eye di Bloodbound.