Testo di 'Slayer of Kings' di Bloodbound

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Sul nostro sito web abbiamo il testo completo della canzone Slayer of Kings che stavi cercando.

Slayer of Kings è una canzone di Bloodbound il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

Prophets in crystal and visions in mind
They're selling the seeds of their own vicious kind
And the tale of darkness prevails on and on

Wizards of magic and saver of souls
Planting the greed of their devious moles
And the spell of silver and sword takes me home

Father told me: Don't believe in the magic stories
Son no one showed me how to see them through

Fallen wizards and rings
From the north we gather unite the lords
I am calling fire and wings
And the sword by the slayer of kings

Seven in heaven and tears fool the blind
Merchants of madness obscene you will find
And they tear through clouds in the skies, legends born

The price of your life in the palm of my hand
From this day and on is my wish your command
And the tale of darkness prevails on and on

Father told me: Don't believe in the magic stories
Son no one showed me how to see them through

Fallen wizards and rings
From the north we gather unite the lords
I am calling fire and wings
And the sword by the slayer of kings

In life, we learn, in hell, always darkness
We fight, with sword, and shield, end the battle
To rise, or fall, we stand, all in heaven
Unite, and turn, tonight, my master
We fly, and burn, enlighten, fire from the sky

Fallen wizards and rings
From the north we gather unite the lords
I am calling fire and wings
And the sword by the slayer of kings

Ci sono molte ragioni per voler conoscere il testo di Slayer of Kings di Bloodbound.

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Sentiti come una star cantando la canzone Slayer of Kings di Bloodbound, anche se il tuo pubblico sono solo i tuoi due gatti.

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