Testo di 'Stake My Claims' di Bloodbound

Stake My Claims è una canzone di Bloodbound il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

Se hai cercato a lungo il testo della canzone Stake My Claims di Bloodbound, inizia a scaldare la voce, perché non potrai smettere di cantarla.

In the time of ancient gods
Where everything is staged inside a dream
And the fate of every man is a gift from above
The cloudy blood red sky
In the game of hide and seek
Rules are set by masters of deceit
Over life and death we play on the darkest day
Let your anger lead the way

If the Sun and the Moon shining over you and it's true
Lesson is learned and I carry on
But if sorrow and pain is the end of the game we play
Evil find a way

When the clouds roll in and the storm begin
We have sold our souls indulged in every sin
On the back of our shields we have carved their names
In the blood on the fields
I will stake my claims

For the better of my days
I've lived my life in shadows of myself
I have made the sacrifice
I have seen the lies
Been the burden of the proof

If the Sun and the Moon shining over you and it's true
Lesson is learned and I carry on
But if sorrow and pain is the end of the game we play
Evil find a way

When the clouds roll in and the storm begin
We have sold our souls indulged in every sin
On the back of our shields we have carved their names
In the blood on the fields
I will stake my claims
When the clouds roll in and the storm begin
We have sold our souls indulged in every sin
On the back of our shields we have carved their names
In the blood on the fields
I will stake my claims

Deep in my heart in my mind and my soul
Waiting for darkness to fall
Roaming the trails hear the woods come alive
The creatures
The giants so tall

When the clouds roll in and the storm begin
We have sold our souls indulged in every sin
On the back of our shields we have carved their names
In the blood on the fields
I will stake my claims
When the clouds roll in and the storm begin
We have sold our souls indulged in every sin
On the back of our shields we have carved their names
In the blood on the fields
I will stake my claims

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