Testo di 'When Fate is Calling' di Bloodbound

When Fate is Calling è una canzone di Bloodbound il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

Se hai cercato a lungo il testo della canzone When Fate is Calling di Bloodbound, inizia a scaldare la voce, perché non potrai smettere di cantarla.

In search of the light my senses are gone
And the raven unfold my eyes
The feeling is right my instinct is strong
It’s my burden, my sacrifice
I travel the night
A passenger in the corner of my eye
I’m ready to fight
Defending my honour my mission is all too real

For everyone I’ve cared and lost
My purpose is set in stone
With everyone I’ll share the cost
And carry on all alone

Say my name in every story
Keep my memory alive
Send a message over mountains high
And never let it die
Pray my soul return to glory
On ascending wings I’ll fly
In the tales of ancient warriors
They face it eye to eye
When fate is calling
When fate is calling

Unspeakable sin forgive and forget
Cause this chain is unbreakable
You’re under my skin the playground is set
And the kingdom is yours to steel
I’ll never let go I’m under attack
See the arrows passing by
Your weakness will show
A stab in the back
A wound that will never heal

For everyone I’ve cared and lost
My purpose is set in stone
With everyone I’ll share the cost
And carry on all alone

Say my name in every story
Keep my memory alive
Send a message over mountains high
And never let it die
Pray my soul return to glory
On ascending wings I’ll fly
In the tales of ancient warriors
They face it eye to eye
When fate is calling
When fate is calling

Stand your ground face the enemy
Don't look back join the fallen
Lost and found my supremacy
Close their evil eyes
Face your fears and your destiny
Sail away into darkness
Blood and tears be my legacy
Fate will lead the way

Say my name in every story
Keep my memory alive
Send a message over mountains high
And never let it die
Pray my soul return to glory
On ascending wings I’ll fly
In the tales of ancient warriors
They face it eye to eye
When fate is calling
When fate is calling

Ci sono molte ragioni per voler conoscere il testo di When Fate is Calling di Bloodbound.

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Nel caso in cui la tua ricerca del testo della canzone When Fate is Calling di Bloodbound sia perché ti fa pensare a qualcuno in particolare, ti proponiamo di dedicargliela in qualche modo, ad esempio inviandogli il link di questo sito web, sicuramente capirà l'indiretta.

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