Testi delle Canzoni di Bobby Helms

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Bobby Helms? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Bobby Helms così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Bobby Helms.

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Bobby Helms?

  1. Jingle Bell Rock
  2. Beauty In The Night
  3. My Special Angel
  4. (now And Then There's A) Fool Such As I
  5. Day You Stop Loving Me
  6. Far Away Heart
  7. All I Need Is You
  8. Apartment No. 9
  9. Day The World Stood Still
  10. Expressing My Love
  11. Fool And The Angel
  12. Frauleien
  13. Fraulein
  14. Guess We Thought The World Would End
  15. He Thought He'd Die Laughing
  16. I Can See It All
  17. I Can't Take It Like You Can
  18. I Don't Owe You Nothing
  19. I Know One
  20. If I Only Knew
  21. It Keeps Right On a Hurtin'
  22. Jacqueline
  23. Jigsaw Puzzle
  24. Just a Little Lonesome
  25. Just Between You And Me
  26. Last Word In Lonesome Is Me
  27. Lonely River Rhine
  28. Most Of The Time
  29. My Greatest Weakness
  30. My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You
  31. New River Train
  32. No Other Baby
  33. Not Till Now
  34. One Deep Love
  35. Or Is It Love
  36. Plaything
  37. Portrait Of a Lonely Man
  38. Right Back In Your Arms Again
  39. Sad Angel
  40. Same Old Memories
  41. Silver Threads And Golden Needles
  42. Someone Was Already There
  43. Sorry My Name Isn't Fred
  44. Standing At The End Of My World
  45. Sugar Moon
  46. Take Good Care Of Her
  47. Tell Me And I'll Know (what To Do)
  48. Tennessee Rock'n Roll
  49. Things I Remember Most
  50. Tonight's The Night
  51. Touch My Heart
  52. Touch Of Yesterday
  53. Where Does a Shadow Go
  54. Wondering
  55. Worst Part Of Me
  56. You Left Nothing
  57. You're The One
  58. Jingle Bell Rock (part. Maria Becerra)

Bobby Helms, all'anagrafe Robert Lee Helms, (Bloomington, 15 agosto 1933 – Martinsville, 19 giugno 1997), è stato un cantante statunitense, noto principalmente per essere stato il primo ad aver inciso il celebre brano natalizio Jingle Bell Rock.

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