Testo di 'From a Boxcar Door' di Boxcar Willie

From a Boxcar Door è una canzone di Boxcar Willie il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

I've seen the 'gators and the skeeters
Down in the swamps of louisian
I've seen the painted desert
I've traveled across texas burning sand
I've seen the great rocky mountains

That reach up where the mighty eagle soars
You know big or small i've seen it all
From a boxcar door

I've seen those wheat fields out in kansas
In iowa i've watched the tall corn grow
Seen 'em picking fruit in florida
Watched 'em digging taters up in idaho

I've seen the factories in detroit
I've seen a small country general store
And big or small i've seen it all
From a boxcar door

I've seen the coal mines in kentucky
I've seen the steel mills in birmingham
I've seen the appalachians seen the hoover
And i've seen every other dam

I've seen the great salt lake in utah
I've heard the mighty ni-agra roar
Yeah big or small i've seen it all
From a boxcar door

I've seen the great potomac river
The wide missouri and the o-hi-o
I've seen the colorado
I've watched the mighty mississippi flow

I've seen the great atlantic ocean
I've seen california's golden shore
You know big or small i've seen it all
From a boxcar door

I've seen the black man in the ghettos
On the reservation i've watched the navajo
I've seen the migrant workers
In the fields from maine down to mexico

I've seen the rich man in his penthouse
The shanties and the shacks of the poor
Yeah big or small i've seen it all
From a boxcar door

But my travels are not over
There's lots more that i've just gotta see
Every day's a new adventure
And i thank the lord for letting me be free

When i hop aboard a boxcar
And hear that mighty engine start to roar
You know big or small i'll see you all
From a boxcar door
Yeah big or small i'll see you all from a boxcar door

Ci sono molte ragioni per voler conoscere il testo di From a Boxcar Door di Boxcar Willie.

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