Testi delle Canzoni di Brandi Carlile

  1. The Story
  2. Closer To Fine (feat. Catherine Carlile)
  3. Little Blue (feat. Jacob Collier)
  4. Right On Time
  5. What Can I Say
  6. Tragedy
  7. carried me with you
  8. Damage Gets Done (feat. Hozier)
  9. Dreams
  10. Late morning lullaby
  11. My Repair
  12. Someday Never Comes
  13. That Wasn't Me
  14. The Joke
  15. The Mother
  16. The Stranger At My Door
  17. Turpentine
  18. Whatever You Do
  19. Wherever is Your Heart
  20. 100
  21. 5:00
  22. A Promise To Keep
  23. Again today
  24. Alibi
  25. Already Home (feat. Ha*Ash)
  26. Alright
  27. Before It Breaks
  28. Beginning To Feel The Years
  29. Blood Muscle Skin & Bone
  30. Blue Eyes Crying in The Rain
  31. Broken Horses
  32. Call You Out
  33. Cannonball
  34. Caroline
  35. Closer To You
  36. Creep
  37. Downpour
  38. Dying Day
  39. Estas Historias
  40. Every Road
  41. Every Time I Hear That Song
  42. Eye Of a Needle
  43. Fall
  44. Fall Apart Again
  45. Follow
  46. Friend
  47. Fulton County Jane Doe
  48. Gone
  49. Hallelujah
  50. Happy
  51. Hard Way Home
  52. Harder To Forgive
  53. Have you ever
  54. Heart's Content
  55. Heroes And Songs
  56. Hiding My Heart Away
  57. Highway To Hell
  58. Hold Out Your Hand
  59. Home
  60. How These Days Grow Long
  61. I Belong To You
  62. I Feel For You
  63. I Will
  64. I'll Still Be There
  65. If There Was No You
  66. In My Own Eyes
  67. In The Morrow
  68. Josephine
  69. Just Kids
  70. Keep Your Heart Young
  71. Last One To Know
  72. Looking Out
  73. Losing Heart
  74. Mainstream Kid
  75. Mama Werewolf
  76. Most Of All
  77. Murder In The City
  78. My Song
  79. Oh Dear
  80. Oh Shenandoah
  81. Open Doors
  82. Over You
  83. Part Of One
  84. Party Of One (feat. Sam Smith)
  85. Pride And Joy
  86. Rainbow Ride
  87. Raise Hell
  88. Rise Again
  89. Save All Your Goodbye
  90. Save Part Of Yourself
  91. Shadow on the wall
  92. Silver Cloud
  93. Sixty Years On
  94. Somewhere Along The Way
  95. Sugartooth
  96. Temporary Time
  97. That Year
  98. The Eye
  99. The Heartache Can Wait
  100. The Sound Of Silence
  101. The Things I Regret
  102. Thousand Miles (feat. Miley Cyrus)
  103. Throw It All Away
  104. Tired
  105. Touching The Ground
  106. Until I die
  107. Us again
  108. Wasted
  109. Way To You
  110. What Did I Ever Come Here For
  111. What Did I Ever Come Here For?
  112. When You’re Wrong
  113. Where The Streets Wave No Name
  114. Wilder (We're Chained)
  115. You And Me On The Rock
  116. You Belong To Me

Brandi Carlile (Ravensdale, 1º giugno 1981) è una cantautrice e produttrice discografica statunitense. Attiva nel panorama musicale statunitense dai primi anni duemila, pubblicando sei album da solista, portando la cantautrice a ottenere sei Grammy Award e due riconoscimenti alla carriera: il Trailblazer Award ai Billboard Women in Music Awards e l'Impact Award ai CMT Music Award. La cantante ha inoltre collaborato con numerosi artisti del panorama musicale internazionale, tra cui Elton John, Sting, Jesse Carmichael, Sam Smith, Willie Nelson, Paul Buckmaster, The Soundgarden e ha formato nel 2019 il gruppo country The Highwomen con Maren Morris, Natalie Hemby e Amanda Shires.

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