Testi delle Canzoni di Brian Eno

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Brian Eno?

  1. By This River
  2. Spinning Away
  3. Lay My Love
  4. Ali Click
  5. Ambient: Music For Airports - 2/1
  6. America Is Waiting
  7. And Then So Clear
  8. Are They Thinking of Me?
  9. Baby's On Fire
  10. Babylon Papillaris
  11. Back in Judy's Jungle
  12. Backwater
  13. Been There Done That
  14. Big Day
  15. Blank Frank
  16. Bone Bomb
  17. Bottomliners
  18. Broken Head
  19. Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
  20. Caught Between
  21. China My China
  22. Cindy Tells Me
  23. Come With Us
  24. Cordoba
  25. Crime in the Desert
  26. Dead Finks Don't Talk
  27. Deep Blue Day
  28. Driving Me Backwards
  29. Empty Frame
  30. Every Mother/Step Up
  31. Everything Merges With the Night
  32. Footsteps
  33. Fractal Zoom
  34. Golden Hours
  35. Grandfather's House
  36. Help Me Somebody
  37. Here Come the Warm Jets
  38. Here He Comes
  39. How Many Worlds
  40. I Am On An Open Sea
  41. I Fall Up
  42. I'll Come Running (To Tie Your Shoe)
  43. In the Backroom
  44. It's A Long Way Down
  45. Juju Space Jazz
  46. Julie With...
  47. Just Another Day
  48. King's Lead Hat
  49. Kurt's Rejoinder
  50. Mea Culpa
  51. Miss Shapiro
  52. Moonlight in Glory
  53. Mother Whale Eyeless
  54. My Squelchy Life
  55. Needles In The Camel's Eye
  56. No One Receiving
  57. On Some Faraway Beach
  58. One Word
  59. Over
  60. Passing Over
  61. Put a Straw Under Baby
  62. Raf
  63. Seven Deadly Finns
  64. Sky Saw
  65. Sombre Reptiles
  66. Some of Them Are Old
  67. Some Words
  68. Spider and I
  69. St. Elmo's Fire
  70. Stars
  71. Stiff
  72. Taking Tiger Mountain
  73. The Belldog
  74. The Fat Lady of Limbourgh
  75. The Great Pretender
  76. The Harness
  77. The Jezzebel Spirit
  78. The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch
  79. The River
  80. The Roil, The Choke
  81. The True Wheel
  82. Third Uncle
  83. This
  84. Two Voices
  85. Tzima N'arki
  86. Under
  87. What Actually Happened?
  88. Wire Shock

Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno ([ˈiːnoʊ]; Woodbridge, 15 maggio 1948) è un musicista, compositore e produttore discografico britannico, noto come Brian Eno. È considerato uno dei più importanti musicisti contemporanei, nonché l'inventore della musica d'ambiente.

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Brian Eno, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Brian Eno che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

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