Testo di 'Cowboys of the sea' di Bruce Springsteen

They ride beneath the waves at 20,000 leagues
On stallions stitched to seaweed strands
So smiling, so smiling
They herd the fishes of the deep
They ride for you and me
They ranch the rich and the sunken soil
At the bottom of the sea

In the dead of night, alive in sleep
I hear them calling me
Them deep sea desperadoes
Them midnight maelstrom freaks
The cowboy of the sea

So on wings of sleep I pierce the deep
And ride like a hurricane
At midnight still I paid my bill
And turned my back on the land
With the help of old paint, that seaweed nag
Its just jesse james and me
We ride the depths and rob the banks
At the bottom of the sea

With a seamans grip on navigation
And some fired, hired hands
We set forth to confront the nation
And lend a cowboys hand

We do the dolphins dance duet
My mermaid babe and me
Then I ride of into the blue sunset
At the bottom of the sea

And with the seamans grip on submarining
And some aqualung outlaws
Our guns are made of solid dreamin
And bullets from a broken cause
And with hand held high to touch the sky
A good texas ranger I'll bebut sometimes I feel like a lone stranger
midst the cowboys of the sea

Oh and men above he cannot make love
Hes got to rape his mother the sea
And because of his greed
Were a vanishing breed
We cowboys of the sea

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È importante notare che Bruce Springsteen, nei concerti dal vivo, non è sempre stato o sarà fedele al testo della canzone Cowboys of the sea... Quindi è meglio concentrarsi su ciò che dice la canzone Cowboys of the sea nell'album.

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