Testi delle Canzoni di Busted

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Busted.

  1. MMMBop 2.0 (feat. Hanson)
  2. What I Go To School For
  3. Sleeping With The Light On
  4. 3AM 2.0 (feat. James Arthur)
  5. Air Hostess
  6. Crashed the Wedding 2.0 (feat. All Time Low)
  7. Everything I Knew
  8. Loser Kid 2.0 (feat. Simple Plan)
  9. Meet You There 2.0 (feat. Neck Deep)
  10. She Wants To Be Me
  11. Thunderbirds Are Go
  12. Year 3000 2.0 (feat. Jonas Brothers)
  13. You Said No
  14. 3AM
  15. All My Friends
  16. All The Way
  17. Avalanche
  18. Beautiful Mess
  19. Better Than This
  20. Britney
  21. Brown Eyed Girl
  22. Build Me Up Buttercup
  23. Can't Break Through
  24. Come All Ye Faithfull
  25. Coming Home
  26. Crash And Burn
  27. Crashed The Wedding
  28. Dawson's Geek
  29. Easy
  30. End Up Like This
  31. Fake
  32. Fall At Your Feet
  33. Falling For You
  34. Friend With Weed
  35. Fun Fun Fun
  36. Good One
  37. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  38. Here In Your Bedroom
  39. Hurra, Hurra Die Schule Brennt
  40. I Love That Thing You Do
  41. I Will Break Your Heart
  42. Interlude (Snippet)
  43. It Happens
  44. Kids With Computers
  45. Last Christmas
  46. Last Summer
  47. Late Night Sauna
  48. Let It Go
  49. Lola
  50. Loner In Love
  51. Loser Kid
  52. Losing You
  53. Meet You There
  54. Merry Christmas Everyone
  55. MIA
  56. Mrs. Robinson
  57. Mummy Trade
  58. My Good Friend
  59. Nerdy
  60. New York
  61. Night Driver
  62. Nineties
  63. Nostalgia
  64. On What You're On
  65. One Of A Kind
  66. Out Of Our Minds
  67. Over Now
  68. Peaches
  69. Pigs Can Fly
  70. Psycho Girl
  71. Race To Mars
  72. Radio
  73. Reunion
  74. Rocking Rock'n'Roll
  75. Runaway Train
  76. Shipwrecked In Atlantis
  77. Teenage Kicks
  78. That Thing You Do
  79. That's Entertainment
  80. Thinking Of You
  81. Those Days Are Gone
  82. Thunderbirds
  83. Thunderbirds Are Go (acoustic)
  84. Tiny Rubberband
  85. Wanna Do It With U
  86. We Are Crap With The Sound On
  87. What Happened To Your Band
  88. When Day Turns Into Night
  89. Where Is The Love
  90. Who's David
  91. Why
  92. Without It
  93. Without You
  94. Year 3000
  95. Your A Hit Head

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I testi delle canzoni di Busted seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Busted può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.

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A volte le canzoni di Busted ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?