Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Chanté Moore.
- Candlelight & You
- In My Life
- Love's Taken Over
- A Different Light
- Always Gonna Be Something
- Am I Losing U?
- Am I Losing You?
- As If We Never Met
- Because You're Mine
- Better Than Making Love
- Bitter
- Blooming Flower
- Can't do It
- Candlelight and You
- Chante's Got A Man
- Do For You
- Down On My Knees
- Easy
- End Of Time
- Everything We Want
- Figure it Out
- Finding My Way Back To You
- Free / Sail On
- Free/Sail On
- Give Me Time
- Go Ahead With All That
- Guess Who I Saw Today
- Heart Beat
- Heartbeat
- I Cry To Myself
- I Love You (feat. Keith Washington)
- I See You In A Different Light
- I Started Crying
- I Wanna Love (Like That Again)
- I Want To Thank U
- I Want To Thank You
- I'm Keeping You
- I'm What U Need
- I'm What You Need
- I've Got The Love
- If Gave Love
- If I Gave Love
- Inside My Love
- Intro
- It Ain't Supposed To Be That Way
- It's Alright
- Listen To My Song
- Love Action
- Love And The Woman
- Love The Woman
- Love's Still Alright
- Love's Takin' Over
- Loving You
- M-a-n
- Mood
- My Eyes
- My Special Perfect One
- Old School Lovin'
- One More time
- Precious
- Satisfy You
- Searchin'
- Sexy Thang
- Soul Dance
- Special Perfect One
- Star Spangled Banner
- Still
- Straight Up
- Super Lover
- Take Care Of Me
- Thank U For Lovin' Me
- Thank You For Lovin' Me
- Things That Lovers do
- This Is A Test
- This Moment Is Mine
- This Time
- Thou Shalt Not
- Train Of Thought
- Treated Like Her
- Wey U
- When It Comes To Me
- Who Do I Turn To
- With You I'm Born Again
- Without Your Love (interlude)
- You Can't Leave Me
- Your Home Is In My Heart
- Your Love Is Suprime
- Your Love's Supreme
Chanté Torrane Moore (San Francisco, 17 febbraio 1967) è una cantante statunitense. Vincitrice Soul Train Music Award e di American Music Award, nella sua carriera ha pubblicato 10 album in studio, raggiunto la top 10 della Billboard Hot 100 con il singolo Chanté's Got a Man e ottenuto due dischi d'oro nel mercato statunitense. La sua partecipazione alla colonna sonora di Donne - Waiting to Exhale le ha permesso di ottenere una nomination a una delle categorie principali dei Grammy Award, quale "album dell'anno".
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