Testi delle Canzoni di Chris Isaak

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Chris Isaak?

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Chris Isaak più ricercate.

  1. Wicked Game
  2. Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing
  3. Lie To Me
  4. Forever Blue
  5. Heart Shaped World
  6. Black Flowers
  7. Blue Hotel
  8. Blue Spanish Sky
  9. Can't Do A Thing (To Stop Me)
  10. Don't Make Me Dream About You
  11. I Want You To Want Me
  12. Let Me Down Easy
  13. Life Will Go On
  14. One Day
  15. Somebody's Crying
  16. You Owe Me Some Kind Of Love
  17. 5:15
  18. 7 Lonely Nights
  19. Always Got Tonight
  20. American Boy
  21. Another Idea
  22. Auld Lang Syne
  23. Baby Baby
  24. Back On Your Side
  25. Beautiful Homes
  26. Best I Ever Had
  27. Big Wide Wonderful World
  28. Blue Christmas
  29. Breaking Apart
  30. Brightest Star
  31. Can't Help Falling In Love
  32. Changed Your Mind
  33. Cheater's Town
  34. Chris Isaak
  35. Christmas On TV
  36. Cool Love
  37. Courthouse
  38. Crazy Arms
  39. Cryin'
  40. Dancin
  41. Diddley Daddy
  42. Dixie Fried
  43. Doin' The Best I Can
  44. Don't Get So Down On Yourself
  45. Don't Leave Me On My Own
  46. Doncha' Think It's Time
  47. Down In Flames
  48. Dream Referred
  49. Everybody's In The Mood
  50. Except The New Girl
  51. Fade Away
  52. First Comes The Night
  53. Flying
  54. Forever Young
  55. Funeral In The Rain
  56. Go Walking Down There
  57. Goin' Nowhere
  58. Gone Ridin'
  59. Graduation Day
  60. Great Balls Of Fire
  61. Have Yourself A Merry Little
  62. Heart Full Of Soul
  63. How's The World Treating You
  64. I Believe
  65. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
  66. I Got It Bad
  67. I Like The Way She Moves
  68. I Lose My Heart
  69. I See You Everywhere
  70. I Walk The Line
  71. I Want Your Love
  72. I Wonder
  73. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)
  74. I'm Not Sleepy
  75. I'm Not Waiting
  76. In The Heat Of The Jungle
  77. It's Now or Never
  78. King Without A Castle
  79. Kings Of The Highway
  80. Last Month Of The Year
  81. Let It Snow!
  82. Livin' For Your Lover
  83. Lonely With A Broken Heart
  84. Love Me
  85. Lovely Loretta
  86. Lover's Game
  87. Mele Kalikimaka
  88. Miss Pearl
  89. Move Along
  90. Mr. Lonely Man
  91. My Baby Left Me
  92. My Happiness
  93. Nothing To Say
  94. Nothing's Changed
  95. Notice The Ring
  96. Oh, Pretty Woman
  97. Only The Lonely
  98. Perfect Lover
  99. Please
  100. Please Don't Call
  101. Pretty Girls Don't Cry
  102. Pretty Paper
  103. Return To Me
  104. Reverie
  105. Ring Of Fire
  106. Round 'N' Round
  107. Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
  108. San Francisco Days
  109. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
  110. Shadows In a Mirror
  111. She's Not You
  112. So Long I'm Gone
  113. Solitary Man
  114. Somebody To Love
  115. Somebody's Cryin
  116. South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way)
  117. Speak Of The Devil
  118. Summer Holiday
  119. Sweet Leilani
  120. Take My Heart
  121. Talk To Me
  122. Talkin' 'bout A Home
  123. Tears
  124. That Lucky Old Sun
  125. The Christmas Song
  126. The End Of Everything
  127. The Girl That Broke My Heart
  128. The Lonely Ones
  129. The Way Things Really Are
  130. There She Goes
  131. Things Go Wrong
  132. Think Of Tomorrow
  133. This Love Will Last
  134. This Time
  135. Trying To Get To You
  136. Two Hearts
  137. Unhappiness
  138. Very Pretty Girl
  139. Voodoo
  140. Waiting
  141. Waiting For My Lucky Day
  142. Waiting For The Rain To Fall
  143. Walk Slow
  144. Wanderin'
  145. Washington Square
  146. We Let Her Down
  147. We Lost Our Way
  148. We've Got Tomorrow
  149. Western Stars
  150. White Christmas
  151. Wild Love
  152. Worked It Out Wrong
  153. Wrong To Love You
  154. Yellow Bird
  155. You Don't Cry Like I Do
  156. You Took My Heart
  157. Your True Love

Christopher Joseph Isaak, detto Chris (Stockton, 26 giugno 1956), è un cantautore e chitarrista statunitense. Il suo stile malinconico omaggia il rockabilly, il folk, il country e il rock 'n' roll, rifacendosi in modo particolare a Elvis Presley e Roy Orbison.

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Chris Isaak, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Chris Isaak che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

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Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Chris Isaak, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.

Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Chris Isaak può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.

A volte le canzoni di Chris Isaak ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?