Testo di 'How I Could Just Kill A Man' di Cypress Hill

How I Could Just Kill A Man è una canzone di Cypress Hill il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

It's another one of them old phunky Cypress Hill things, youknow what I'm
Sayin'? And it goes like this

Hey, don't miss out on what you're passing
You're missing the hootah
Of the funky buddha
Of your fucked-up styles, I get wicked
So come on as Cypress starts to kick it
'Cause we're like the outlaws stridin'
While suckers are hidin'
Jump behind the bush when you see me drivin'
Hanging out the window
With my magnum taking out some putos
Acting kind of loco
I'm just another local
Kid from the street getting paid from my vocals

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

Here is something you can't understand

I'm ignoring all the dumb shit
Yo, because nothing is coming from it
I'm not gonna waste no time fuckin' around my gat straighthumming
Hummin', Coming at ya
Yeah ya know I had to gatt ya
Time for some action
Just a fraction of friction
I got the clearance
To run the interference
Into your satellite
Shining a battle light
Sen got the gatt and I know that he'll gatt you right
Here's an example
Just a little sample
How I could just kill a man
One-time tried to come in my home
Take my chrome
I said, "Yo, it's on!"
Take cover son or you're assed-out
How do you like my chrome then I watched the rookie pass out
Didn't have to blast him but I did anyway
That young punk had to pay
So I just killed a man

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

It's gonna be a long time before I finish
One of the many missions that I had to establish
To lite
My spliff ignite
You with insight
So if you ain't down, bullshit!
Say some punk tried to get you for your auto
Would you call the One-time and play the role model?
No! I think you'll play like a thug
Next you hear the shot of a magnum slug
Humming coming at ya
Yeah ya know I'm gonna gatt ya!
How you know where I'm at when you haven't been where I'vebeen?
Understand where I'm coming from
When you're up on the hill in your big home
I'm out here risking my dome
Just for a bucket
Or a fast duck it
Just to stay alive, yo I got to say "fuck it!"

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

Here is something you can't understand

All I wanted was a Pepsi!

What does it all mean?

Sapere cosa dice il testo di How I Could Just Kill A Man ci permette di mettere più sentimento nell'interpretazione.

Se la tua motivazione per aver cercato il testo della canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man era che ti piaceva moltissimo, speriamo che tu possa goderti il cantarla.

Sentiti come una star cantando la canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man di Cypress Hill, anche se il tuo pubblico sono solo i tuoi due gatti.

Un motivo molto comune per cercare il testo di How I Could Just Kill A Man è il fatto di volerlo conoscere bene perché ci fa pensare a una persona o situazione speciale.

Qualcosa che succede più spesso di quanto pensiamo è che le persone cercano il testo di How I Could Just Kill A Man perché c'è qualche parola nella canzone che non capiscono bene e vogliono assicurarsi di cosa dica.

Stai litigando con il tuo partner perché capite cose diverse ascoltando How I Could Just Kill A Man? Avere a portata di mano il testo della canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man di Cypress Hill può risolvere molte dispute, e lo speriamo.

È importante notare che Cypress Hill, nei concerti dal vivo, non è sempre stato o sarà fedele al testo della canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man... Quindi è meglio concentrarsi su ciò che dice la canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man nell'album.

Speriamo di averti aiutato con il testo della canzone How I Could Just Kill A Man di Cypress Hill.