Testo di 'It Ain't Easy' di Cypress Hill

Sul nostro sito web abbiamo il testo completo della canzone It Ain't Easy che stavi cercando.

I remember times I hustle, times I struggle
Times I had to get over the everyday shuffle
People tryin' to muffle my thoughts and all my dreams too
People who I thought were down, and see true
But I blame me too 'cos it's a Chronicle
My life, I realise I'm responsible for obstacles
In front of me, my own self to blame
But I worked hard to receive the wealth and fame
It's a worthless game, but if you're willing to play
There's sharks in the water who are, willing to pay
The price of your soul, but if you give it away
You silly motherfuckers are all commited to stay
It's a cold world, but you still want a part of it
So then you'd better fuck around and learn the art of it
Don't walk through life with your blinders on
'Cos you'll keep goin' crazy 'til your mind is gone

Chorus : B-Real (repeat 2x)

It Ain't Easy,
but you got people tryin', to put you down, believe me
I keep gainin' ground, It Ain't Easy
How many times, must you decieve me?

[Sen Dog]
I been around for many days, of musical mainstays
Cypress, is Worldwide and we like it that way
You can't fade-ER, or compare TO
The Original Pyscho-Baiter
Got the next rhyme and we'll check you all later
Can't nobody fuck with them Cypress Hill Raiders
Heard it all before and I don't need no more
Advice on the game and how to kick hardcore
Played the game out here with the best
Toured around the world and got big respect
Now, what's (?) all with this year 2000's?
We puttin the Smackdown and we ain't clownin'
Not many have lasted
Since we first blasted
Up on the scene, singin' about the dream
Recruitin' for our team, niggas know what I mean
?Damn?, you defy, when you live or die

Chorus (repeat 2x)

[B Real]
Times I hated, times I waited
Times I went by where I was drunk and faded
They said I wouldn't make it, but where are those people now?
Still hatin', creatin' all the evil now
Your insecurties are showin', exposin' you
You're trippin' on me and showin' emotions too
Don't you spend your life full of envy, it's deadly
Heed me, as I spit the venom believe me

[Sen Dog]
I keep my guard up, and always let you see my rage
I get pissed, like a pitbull in a cage (*barking*)
Not that many can deal with the fury
Attack and ransack and kill in a hurry
I kill and observe and go in an instant
I bring the pain like the ?Rampark? Prison
I kept it right for the brother to the ?Chullo?
Something I bump when your gates in the (?)

Chorus [B-Real]

It Ain't Easy,
but you got people tryin', to put you down, believe me
I keep gainin' ground, It Ain't Easy
How many times, must you decieve me?
It Ain't Easy,
but you got people tryin', to put you down, believe me
I keep gainin' ground, It Ain't Easy
It Ain't Easy, yo, It Ain't Easy

Ci sono molte ragioni per voler conoscere il testo di It Ain't Easy di Cypress Hill.

La ragione più comune per voler conoscere il testo di It Ain't Easy è che ti piace molto. Ovviamente, no?

Sapere cosa dice il testo di It Ain't Easy ci permette di mettere più sentimento nell'interpretazione.

Se la tua motivazione per aver cercato il testo della canzone It Ain't Easy era che ti piaceva moltissimo, speriamo che tu possa goderti il cantarla.

Un motivo molto comune per cercare il testo di It Ain't Easy è il fatto di volerlo conoscere bene perché ci fa pensare a una persona o situazione speciale.

Qualcosa che succede più spesso di quanto pensiamo è che le persone cercano il testo di It Ain't Easy perché c'è qualche parola nella canzone che non capiscono bene e vogliono assicurarsi di cosa dica.

È importante notare che Cypress Hill, nei concerti dal vivo, non è sempre stato o sarà fedele al testo della canzone It Ain't Easy... Quindi è meglio concentrarsi su ciò che dice la canzone It Ain't Easy nell'album.

Speriamo di averti aiutato con il testo della canzone It Ain't Easy di Cypress Hill.