Testo di 'Jump Around' di Cypress Hill

Jump Around è una canzone di Cypress Hill il cui testo ha innumerevoli ricerche, quindi abbiamo deciso che merita il suo posto su questo sito web, insieme a molti altri testi di canzoni che gli utenti di Internet desiderano conoscere.

Se hai cercato a lungo il testo della canzone Jump Around di Cypress Hill, inizia a scaldare la voce, perché non potrai smettere di cantarla.

Pack it up, pack it in
Let me begin
I came to win
Battle me that's a sin
I won't tear the sack up
Punk you'd better back up
Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up
Get up, stand up, come on!
Come on, throw your hands up
If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling
Muggs is a funk fest, someone's talking junk
Yo, I'll bust em in the eye
And then I'll take the punks home
Feel it, funk it
Amps it are junking
And I got more rhymes than there's cops that are
Donuts shop
Sure 'nuff I got props from the kids on the Hill
Plus my mom and my pops


I came to get down (2x)
So get out your seats and jump around
Jump around (3x)
Jump up Jump up and get down.
Jump (18x)
I'll serve your ass like John MacEnroe
If your steps up, I'm smacking the ho
Word to your moms I came to drop bombs
I got more rhymes than the bible's got psalms
And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned
Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned
Cause I got lyrics and you ain't got none
So if you come to battle bring a shotgun
But if you do you're a fool, cause I duel to the
Try and step to me you'll take your last breath
I gots the skill, come get your fill
Cause when I shoot ta give, I shoot to kill


I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top
I never eat a pig cause a pig is a cop
Or better yet a terminator
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Try'n to play me out like as if my name was Sega
But I ain't going out like no punk bitch
Get used to one style and you know I might switch
It up up and around, then buck buck you down
Put out your head then you wake up in the Dawn of the
I'm coming to get ya, coming to get ya
Spitting out lyrics homie I'll wet ya

Jump (32x)

Yo, this is dedicated
To Joe, da flava, Dakota
Grag yo bozac, punk

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