Testi delle Canzoni di Daphne Loves Derby

  1. A Sudden Change
  2. A Year On An Airplane
  3. All Things Must End
  4. Are Two Chords Enough, Dear?
  5. At Last
  6. Aware, Rust And Repair
  7. Bedroom
  8. Birthday Gallary
  9. Birthday Gallery
  10. Boxer
  11. Chirstmas Lights
  12. Christmas Lights
  13. Closing Down The Pattern Department
  14. Come Winter
  15. Cue The Sun
  16. Debussie
  17. Deserts Eating Oceans
  18. Dirt Doesn't Travel
  19. Disregard The Past Few Days
  20. Envy
  21. Ergo Propter
  22. Guerra All' Interno
  23. Hammers and Hearts
  24. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
  25. Heart Break For Six Seasons
  26. Heartbreak For Six Seasons
  27. Hello Color Red
  28. Here's One For The Four Years
  29. Hopeless Love
  30. How's It Going To End?
  31. I Wish You Knew This Song Was About You
  32. If You're Lucky, No One Will Get Hurt
  33. Iron In The Backseat
  34. Kent Loves Gig Harbor
  35. Kirby
  36. Love & Mercy
  37. Makers And Breakers
  38. Markers and Breakers
  39. Middle Middle
  40. Midnight Highway
  41. Miniature Christimas Tree
  42. Miniature Christmas Tree
  43. No One Is Convinced
  44. Part Of My Past
  45. Patterns And How They Change The Visible World
  46. Patterson's West
  47. Pollen And Salt
  48. Simple, Starving To Be Safe
  49. Stranger, You and I
  50. Sun
  51. Sundays
  52. Tennis Court Soundtrack
  53. That's Our Hero Shot
  54. The Best Part About It Honey
  55. The Best Part Of It Honey
  56. The End Of Everything
  57. The End Of Everything I Loved
  58. The Longest Story
  59. The Wonder Years
  60. These Ghosts, My Hopes, The Sand, The Sea
  61. To Struggle With Light Colors
  62. Untitled
  63. We Bet The Willing
  64. What We Have Been Waiting For
  65. You Versus The Sea

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