- A Sudden Change
- A Year On An Airplane
- All Things Must End
- Are Two Chords Enough, Dear?
- At Last
- Aware, Rust And Repair
- Bedroom
- Birthday Gallary
- Birthday Gallery
- Boxer
- Chirstmas Lights
- Christmas Lights
- Closing Down The Pattern Department
- Come Winter
- Cue The Sun
- Debussie
- Deserts Eating Oceans
- Dirt Doesn't Travel
- Disregard The Past Few Days
- Envy
- Ergo Propter
- Guerra All' Interno
- Hammers and Hearts
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
- Heart Break For Six Seasons
- Heartbreak For Six Seasons
- Hello Color Red
- Here's One For The Four Years
- Hopeless Love
- How's It Going To End?
- I Wish You Knew This Song Was About You
- If You're Lucky, No One Will Get Hurt
- Iron In The Backseat
- Kent Loves Gig Harbor
- Kirby
- Love & Mercy
- Makers And Breakers
- Markers and Breakers
- Middle Middle
- Midnight Highway
- Miniature Christimas Tree
- Miniature Christmas Tree
- No One Is Convinced
- Part Of My Past
- Patterns And How They Change The Visible World
- Patterson's West
- Pollen And Salt
- Simple, Starving To Be Safe
- Stranger, You and I
- Sun
- Sundays
- Tennis Court Soundtrack
- That's Our Hero Shot
- The Best Part About It Honey
- The Best Part Of It Honey
- The End Of Everything
- The End Of Everything I Loved
- The Longest Story
- The Wonder Years
- These Ghosts, My Hopes, The Sand, The Sea
- To Struggle With Light Colors
- Untitled
- We Bet The Willing
- What We Have Been Waiting For
- You Versus The Sea
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Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Daphne Loves Derby può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.
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