Testi delle Canzoni di Derdian

  1. Strange Journey
  2. Forever In The Dark
  3. Lord Of War
  4. Absolute Power
  5. After The Storm
  6. Alone
  7. Anuby's Call
  8. Astar's Destruction
  9. Back to the Crystal
  10. Battleplan
  11. Before the War (instrumental)
  12. Betryer
  13. Beyond the Gate
  14. Black Rose
  15. Burn
  16. Cage of Light
  17. Carpe Diem
  18. Crystal Lake
  19. Destiny Never Awaits
  20. Divine Embrace
  21. DNA
  22. Dragon Life
  23. Dreams
  24. Elohim
  25. Eternal Light
  26. Forevermore
  27. Frame of the End
  28. Gods Don’t Give a Damn
  29. Golstar's rage
  30. Heal My Soul
  31. Her Spirit Will Fly Again
  32. Human Reset
  33. Hymn Of Liberty
  34. I Don't Wanna Die
  35. Immortal's lair
  36. In Everything
  37. Incipit
  38. Incitement
  39. Kingdom of Your Heart
  40. Light Of Hate
  41. Limbo
  42. Mafia
  43. Music Is Life
  44. My Life Back
  45. Never Born
  46. New Era
  47. Nocturnal Fires
  48. Overture
  49. Part of This World
  50. Revolt
  51. Screams of Agony
  52. Silent Hope
  53. Terror
  54. The Apocalypse
  55. The Hunter
  56. The Prophecy
  57. The Spell
  58. These Rails Will Bleed
  59. War of the Gods
  60. Where I Can Fly
  61. Why
  62. Write Your Epitaph
  63. Ya Nada Cambiara

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