- Dancing in the dark
- Deliver Me From Mine Enemies
- 8 Men And 4 Women
- Abel Et Cain
- Artemis
- At The Dark End Of The Street
- Autumn Leaves
- Baby's Insane
- Birds Of Death
- Blind Man's Cry
- Confessional
- Cris D'Aveugle
- Cunt
- Do I See A light
- Do You Take This Man?
- Double-Barrel Prayer
- Down So Low
- Epistle To The Transients
- Frenzy
- Gloomy Sunday
- Heauton Timoroumenos (self Tormentor)
- Heaven Have Mercy
- How Shall Our Judgement Be Carried Out Upon The Wicked
- I Put A Spell On You
- I Shall Not Fear
- I Wake Up And See The Face Of The Devil
- I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
- Insane Asylum
- Interlude (Time)
- Iron Lady
- Judgement Day
- L'Heautontimioroumenos
- Last Night You Came Back
- Les Litanies de Satan
- Let My People Go
- Let Us Praise the Masters of Slow Death
- Let's Not Chat About Despair
- Litanies of Satan
- Long Black Veil
- Malediction
- My World Is Empty Without You
- Nomen Exterminus
- O, Death
- Old Dogbone
- Orders From The Dead
- Panopticon
- Seance
- See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
- Sevda Zinçiri
- Sex Is Violent
- Si La Muerte
- Smell
- Solo L'Antichristo
- Spider
- Strange Hours
- Supplica A Mia Madre
- The Dance
- The Desert
- The Thrill Is Gone
- Todesfugue
- Tony
- Vein
- Were You A Witness
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
- What Is My Name
- Why It's The Angel Of Death
- Wild Women With Steaknives
- Yes, I Like the T.V.
- You Must Be Certain Of The Devil
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