Ti piacciono le canzoni di Disciple? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Disciple così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Disciple che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Disciple, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.
Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Disciple.
- After The World
- Bow Down
- Cuff The Criminal
- Once And For All
- Radical
- Unbroken
- Walk With Me
- 1, 2, Conductor
- 10 Minute Oil Change
- 103
- 321
- 99
- All We Have Is Now
- Alone
- Angels And Demons
- Attack
- Awakening
- Back Again
- Backstabber
- Battle Lines
- Be The Quiet
- Beautiful
- Beautiful Scars
- Before You
- Bernie's Situation
- Best Thing Ever
- Big Bad Wolf
- Black Hole
- Blow The House Down
- Breaking Down
- Bring The Dead To Life
- Bring The Heat
- But Wait There's More
- By God
- Can't Breath
- Can't Breathe
- Chemical Wisdom
- Coal
- Collision
- Come My Way
- Comedy Tragedy
- Crawl Away
- Crazy
- Darkness Dies
- Dead Militia
- Deafening
- Dear X, You Don't Own Me
- Disasterpiece
- Dive
- Draw The Line
- Easter Bunny
- Empty Grave
- Erase
- Eternity
- Face
- Fall On Me
- Falling Over
- Falling Star
- Fear
- Felt
- Fight For Love
- Fill My Shoes
- Fire Away
- First Love
- Forever Starts Today
- Forget Me Not
- Furthermore
- Game On
- Go Ahead
- God Is With Us
- God Of Elijah
- Going Home
- Golden Calf
- Hardened
- Hate Your Guts
- Hello
- Horseshoes & Handgrenades
- I Feel You
- I Just Know
- I Know
- In The Middle Of It Now (The Edgeheads theme)
- Into Black
- Invisible
- Jeckyl & Hyde
- Kamikaze
- Kings
- Knocked Down
- Lay My Burdens
- Liar
- Lion
- Long Live The Rebels
- Love Hate (On And On)
- Mercy
- Misery
- More
- Mothman
- Mud Puddle
- My Daddy Can Whip Your Daddy
- My Hell
- Never Too Late
- Next Time
- No End At All
- Not Rock Stars
- Not Since Breakfast
- Not The Same
- O God Save Us All
- On My Way Down
- One Drop
- One More Time
- Only You
- Outlaws
- Pain
- Panic Room (feat. Andrew Schwab)
- Pharisee
- Phoenix Rising
- Play To Win
- Praze You Lord
- Purpose To Melody
- R.I.P.
- Reanimate
- Regime Change
- Remake
- Remedy
- Remembering
- Revolution: Now
- Rich Man
- Right There
- Rise Up
- Romance Me
- Salt Lamp
- Savior
- Sayonara
- Scarlet
- Scars Remain
- Secret Weapon
- Shine Down
- Shot Heard 'Round The World
- Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired
- Snooze
- Someday
- Someone
- Sorry
- Southern Hospitality
- Spinning
- Spirit Fire
- Stripped Away
- Stronghold
- Suicide
- Take Me
- The Ballad Of St. Augustine
- The Executioner
- The Fury (Wreck Me)
- The Name
- The One
- The Right Time
- The Wait Is Over
- The Walt Is Over
- Things Left Unsaid
- Thousand Things
- Touch
- Touch Of Pain
- Trade a Moment
- Tribute
- Turmoil
- Underdog Fight Song
- Underneath
- Unstoppable
- Wait
- Wake Up
- Watch It Burn
- Whatever Reason
- Whether They Like It Or Not
- Whiney Britches
- Whisper So Loud
- Why
- Why Don't You Shut Up
- Worship Conspiracy
- Worth It All
- Worth The Pain
- Yesterday Is Over
- You Are Here
- You Rock My Socks Off
Disciple – gruppo musicale statunitense
Disciple – album dei Disciple del 2005
Disciple – singolo di IAMX del 2023
DISCiPLE – interfaccia per floppy disk
Ti consigliamo di visitare tutti i testi delle canzoni di Disciple, potresti innamorarti di qualcuna che ancora non conoscevi.
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Disciple, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
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