Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di The Dresden Dolls?
- My Alcoholic Friends
- I Want You But I Don't Need You
- Missed Me
- Backstabber
- Bad Habit
- First Orgasm
- Girl Anachronism
- 672
- A Night At The Roses
- Add It Up
- Ampersand
- Amsterdan
- Androgynous
- Astronaut
- Baby One More Time
- Bank of Boston Beauty Queen
- Battered Bride
- Bitter
- Blake Says
- Blueprint
- Bluesboy
- Boston
- Christopher Lydon
- Coin Operated Boy
- Coin Operated Boy
- Coin Operated Boy
- Colorblind
- Dance me to the end of love
- Dear Jenny
- Delilah
- Dirty Business
- Drunken Butterfly
- Echo Gallery
- Eisbär
- Exit Music (For a Film)
- Glass Slipper
- Good Day
- Gravity
- Half Jack
- Hallelujah
- Have To Drive
- I Dont't Care Much
- I Got You Babe
- I Love Rock N' Roll
- I Would For You
- June Is Busting Out All Over
- Kaledrina
- Karma Police
- Life on Mars
- Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner
- Losing My Religion
- Mad World
- Mandy Goes to Med School
- Mary's Surgeon
- Material Girl
- Me & The Minibar
- Mein Herr
- Modern Moonlight
- Moon
- Moon
- Mother
- Mrs. O
- My Doorbell
- My Favourite Things
- Necessary Evil
- New Year's Day
- Night At The Roses
- Night Reconnaissance
- No One Knows
- One
- Perfect Day
- Pierre
- Pretty in Pink
- Pro Vanit
- Rainbow Connection
- Rid of Me
- Sandy's song
- Say Yes!
- Science Fiction Double Feature
- Sex Changes
- Shores Of California
- Sing
- Slide
- Sorry Bunch
- Stand By Your Man
- Such Great Heights
- The Flesh Failures / Let The Sun Shine In
- The Gardener
- The Ghost In You
- The Jeep Song
- The Kill
- The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance
- The Mouse and the Model
- The New Game
- The Perfect Fit
- The Point Of It All
- The Sheep Song
- The Time Has Come
- Thirty Whacks
- Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles
- Truce
- Two Headed Boy
- Ultima Esperanza / Ultimate Esperanza
- War Pigs
- Will
- Will You Smile Again
- Wintercoat
I The Dresden Dolls sono un duo musicale dark cabaret statunitense di Boston, Massachusetts, costituito da Amanda Palmer (voce e tastiera, toy piano) e Brian Viglione (batteria, basso, chitarra).
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