Testi delle Canzoni di Electric President

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Electric President.

  1. All The Bones
  2. All the Distant Ships
  3. Bright Mouths
  4. Circles
  5. Dotted Lines
  6. Eat Shit and Die
  7. Elegant Disasters
  8. Ether
  9. Farewell
  10. Feathers
  11. Good Morning, Hypocrite
  12. Good Ol' Boys
  13. Grand Machine No. 12
  14. Graves And The Infinite Arm
  15. Hum
  16. I'm Not The Lonely Son (I'm The Ghost)
  17. Insomnia
  18. It's An Ugly Life
  19. It's Like A Heartbeat, Only It Isn't
  20. Label My Mind Blown
  21. Lullaby
  22. Metal Fingers
  23. Monsters
  24. Mr. Gone
  25. Nightmare no. 5 or 6
  26. Pigeon Teeth
  27. Robophobia
  28. Safe and Sound
  29. Snow on Dead Neighborhoods
  30. Some Crap About The Future
  31. Ten Thousand Lines
  32. The Ocean Floor
  33. The Trembling Of The Rose
  34. The Violent Blue
  35. Voice Of Our Age
  36. Way Out In West Texas
  37. We Were Never Built To Last
  38. We Will Walk Through Walls
  39. Wearing Influences On Our Sleeve-Less T-Shirts
  40. When It's Black
  41. Worried Now

Electric President è un gruppo musicale di musica elettronica statunitense, originario di Jacksonville e attivo dal 2003.

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