Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Exciter più ricercate.
- (I Hate) School Rules
- Aggressor
- Anger, Hate And Destruction
- Assassins In Rage
- Back In The Light
- Betrayal
- Beyond The Gates Of Doom
- Black Witch
- Blood Of Tyrants
- Born To Die
- Born To Kill
- Born To Kill (Live)
- Break Down The Walls
- Brutal Warning
- Burn At The Stake
- Cold Blooded Murder
- Crucifixion
- Cry Of The Banshee
- Death Machine
- Delivering To The Master
- Demon's Gate
- Destructor
- Die In The Night
- Dog Eat Dog
- Dungeon Descendants
- Dying To Live
- Enemy Lines
- Evil Omen
- Evil Sinner
- Evil Skinner
- Executioner
- Eyes In The Sky
- Feel The Knife
- Hangman
- Heavy Metal Maniac
- HellFire
- I Am The Beast
- I Wanna Be King
- In Mortal Fear
- Intruders
- Invasion / Waiting In The Dark
- Iron Dogs
- Let Us Prey
- Live Fast, Die Young
- Living Evil
- Long Live The Loud
- Martial Law
- Massacre Mountain
- Metal Crusaders
- Mission Destroy
- Mistress Of Evil
- No Life No Future
- O.T.T.
- Oblivion
- Playin' With Fire
- Pounding Metal
- Pray For Pain
- Predator
- Rain Of Terror
- Ready To Rock
- Ritual Death
- Rot The Devil King
- Rule With An Iron Fist
- Sacred War
- Saxons Of The Fire
- Scream Bloody Murder
- Scream In The Night
- Screams From The Gallows
- Shadow Of The Cross
- Shout It Out
- Skull Breaker
- Slaughtered In Vain
- Smashin 'Em Down
- Stand Up And Fight
- Sudden Impact
- Suicide Overdose
- Swords Of Darkness
- The Dark Command
- The Punisher
- The Second Coming
- Thrash, Speed, Burn
- Under Attack
- Victims Of Sacrifice
- Violator
- Violence & Force
- Wake Up Screaming
- War Is Hell
- Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Exciter – gruppo musicale canadese
Exciter – singolo dei Judas Priest del 1978
Exciter – album dei Depeche Mode del 2001
Exciter (O.T.T.) – album degli Exciter del 1988
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I testi delle canzoni di Exciter seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Exciter, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
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