Testi delle Canzoni di Fastbacks

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Fastbacks.

  1. Beaujolais' the Beat
  2. 3 Boxs
  3. 555 Pt. 1
  4. 555 Pt. 2
  5. A-A-A (and after all)
  6. Above the Sunrise
  7. All About Nothing
  8. All In Order
  9. Always Tomorrow
  10. And You
  11. As Everything
  12. Back To Nowhere
  13. Banner Year
  14. Believe Me Never
  15. Better Than Before
  16. Book of Revelation
  17. BRD Coated
  18. Call It What You Want
  19. Defy's Gravity
  20. Don't Cry For Me
  21. Don't Eat That It's Poison
  22. Dreams I.H.S.
  23. Everything I Don't Need
  24. Eyes of a Child (pt. Two)
  25. Fanfare
  26. Fast Enough
  27. Find Your Way
  28. For Tomorrow
  29. Fortune's Misery
  30. Future Right
  31. Gone To the Moon
  32. Goodbye, Bird
  33. Have You Had Enough?
  34. Hung On a Bad Peg
  35. I Can't Win
  36. I Found the Star
  37. I Guess
  38. I Know
  39. I Need Some Help
  40. I Never Knew
  41. I Was Stolen
  42. I Won't Regret
  43. I'll Be Okay
  44. I'll Return
  45. I'm Cold
  46. If You Tried
  47. Impatience
  48. In America
  49. In the Observatory
  50. In the Summer
  51. In the Winter
  52. Is It Familiar?
  53. It Came To Me In a Dream
  54. It's Your Birthday
  55. Just Say
  56. K Street
  57. Kind of Game
  58. Last Night I Had a Dream That I Could Fly
  59. Like Today
  60. Lose
  61. Maybe
  62. Meet the Author
  63. My Destiny
  64. My Letters
  65. Never Heard of Him
  66. New Book of Old
  67. No Information
  68. No Lethal Hope
  69. No Music Played
  70. Now Is the Time
  71. Old Address of the Unknown
  72. On the Wall
  73. On Your Hands
  74. One More Hour
  75. Only At Night
  76. Out of the Charts
  77. Parts
  78. Really
  79. Run No More
  80. Save Room For Me
  81. Says Who?
  82. See and Say
  83. Seven Days
  84. So Wrong
  85. Someone Else's Room
  86. Sometimes
  87. Stay At Home
  88. T.H.I.N.K.
  89. That Was
  90. The Bitter Drink
  91. The Buried Treasure Was Crap (pt. 1)
  92. The Day That Didn't Exist
  93. The Ladders
  94. The Light's On You
  95. They Don't Care
  96. Time Passes
  97. Trouble Sleeping
  98. Trumpets Are Loud
  99. Under the Old Lightbulb
  100. Used To Belong
  101. Wait It Out
  102. WAIT!
  103. Was Late
  104. Waste of Time
  105. We Can Be
  106. Weather: Perfectly Clear
  107. Went For a Swim
  108. What to Expect . . . Dirk's Car Jam
  109. What Will They All Say?
  110. What's It Like
  111. What's the Use?
  112. When I'm Old
  113. Whenever I'm Walking
  114. Which Has Not Been Written
  115. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
  116. Yesterday At Midnight
  117. You Can't Be Happy

I Fastbacks sono stati una rock band statunitense attiva dal 1979 al 2001.

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Fastbacks, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Fastbacks che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Fastbacks, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Fastbacks.

I testi delle canzoni di Fastbacks seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Fastbacks e che ti siano utili.

Se hai trovato la canzone di Fastbacks che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.