Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Fastbacks.
- Beaujolais' the Beat
- 3 Boxs
- 555 Pt. 1
- 555 Pt. 2
- A-A-A (and after all)
- Above the Sunrise
- All About Nothing
- All In Order
- Always Tomorrow
- And You
- As Everything
- Back To Nowhere
- Banner Year
- Believe Me Never
- Better Than Before
- Book of Revelation
- BRD Coated
- Call It What You Want
- Defy's Gravity
- Don't Cry For Me
- Don't Eat That It's Poison
- Dreams I.H.S.
- Everything I Don't Need
- Eyes of a Child (pt. Two)
- Fanfare
- Fast Enough
- Find Your Way
- For Tomorrow
- Fortune's Misery
- Future Right
- Gone To the Moon
- Goodbye, Bird
- Have You Had Enough?
- Hung On a Bad Peg
- I Can't Win
- I Found the Star
- I Guess
- I Know
- I Need Some Help
- I Never Knew
- I Was Stolen
- I Won't Regret
- I'll Be Okay
- I'll Return
- I'm Cold
- If You Tried
- Impatience
- In America
- In the Observatory
- In the Summer
- In the Winter
- Is It Familiar?
- It Came To Me In a Dream
- It's Your Birthday
- Just Say
- K Street
- Kind of Game
- Last Night I Had a Dream That I Could Fly
- Like Today
- Lose
- Maybe
- Meet the Author
- My Destiny
- My Letters
- Never Heard of Him
- New Book of Old
- No Information
- No Lethal Hope
- No Music Played
- Now Is the Time
- Old Address of the Unknown
- On the Wall
- On Your Hands
- One More Hour
- Only At Night
- Out of the Charts
- Parts
- Really
- Run No More
- Save Room For Me
- Says Who?
- See and Say
- Seven Days
- So Wrong
- Someone Else's Room
- Sometimes
- Stay At Home
- T.H.I.N.K.
- That Was
- The Bitter Drink
- The Buried Treasure Was Crap (pt. 1)
- The Day That Didn't Exist
- The Ladders
- The Light's On You
- They Don't Care
- Time Passes
- Trouble Sleeping
- Trumpets Are Loud
- Under the Old Lightbulb
- Used To Belong
- Wait It Out
- Was Late
- Waste of Time
- We Can Be
- Weather: Perfectly Clear
- Went For a Swim
- What to Expect . . . Dirk's Car Jam
- What Will They All Say?
- What's It Like
- What's the Use?
- When I'm Old
- Whenever I'm Walking
- Which Has Not Been Written
- Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
- Yesterday At Midnight
- You Can't Be Happy
I Fastbacks sono stati una rock band statunitense attiva dal 1979 al 2001.
Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Fastbacks, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Fastbacks che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.
Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Fastbacks, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Fastbacks.
I testi delle canzoni di Fastbacks seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Fastbacks e che ti siano utili.
Se hai trovato la canzone di Fastbacks che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.