Testi delle Canzoni di Flatsound

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Flatsound? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Flatsound così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Flatsound.

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Flatsound più ricercate.

  1. It's Sunday, April 19th And I Miss You
  2. My Heart Goes (Bum Bum Bum)
  3. By Your Side
  4. Don't Call Me At All
  5. Even The Stars Can Be Hollow
  6. Fairytales Tell Tales
  7. I Exist I Exist I Exist
  8. If You Love Me, Come Clean
  9. Irreparable Pieces
  10. Live Up
  11. Someone Who Will Talk About Anything
  12. Summer Or Spring
  13. To See You Alive
  14. You Are The Coffin
  15. 47 Fights
  16. 47 Fights (part II)
  17. 5/13 (intro)
  18. 66666666
  19. A Dog With Blood In Its Mouth
  20. A Million Missed Calls
  21. A Morning Spent Thinking Of a Life Without You
  22. A Quick Song
  23. A Single Thread
  24. A Small List Of Things That I Normally Would Hide
  25. Action Scene
  26. Be Yourself
  27. BFF Song
  28. Broken Down Shell
  29. Colosseum
  30. Consciousness
  31. Counting Sheep
  32. Cross On My Mind
  33. Crowed Parks
  34. Destroy You
  35. Distance
  36. Everything We Saw That Day And How You Made Me Feel
  37. Ex Best Friend
  38. Fading
  39. Fault Lines
  40. Ferris Buller
  41. Fighting A Losing War
  42. Friends
  43. Good Morning Answering Machine Baby
  44. Hands
  45. Happy Birthday
  46. Helen, Oh Helen
  47. Help Me
  48. Hummingbird
  49. Hurt Me Bad
  50. I Can Hear The Birds Chirp Outside
  51. I Can't Be Here Anymore
  52. I Don't Remember You
  53. I Hope You're Okay
  54. I Lost Control
  55. I Promise I'll Find You The Second I Feel Okay
  56. I Was Happier With You
  57. I'll Be Anything
  58. I'll Get Over This
  59. I'm Broken But I'll Try
  60. I'm So Concerned About The Ending That I Don't Even Know The Plot
  61. I've Been Thinking About You
  62. I’m Free
  63. If We Could Just Pretend
  64. In The Absence Of Everything, I Promise To Keep You Warm
  65. Intro
  66. It Always Gives You a Chance To Run Before It Attacks You
  67. It Feels Like I'm Underwater
  68. It's Thursday, January 12Th And This The Last Time I'll Talk About Drowning
  69. Last Minute Cycle
  70. Lately I've Been Feeling Tired Of Everything I Know
  71. Learning To Hate You As A Self-Defense Mechanism
  72. Lillian
  73. Losing The Interest And Trust I Had In You
  74. Macie Lightfoot, I'm Broken
  75. Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
  76. Morning Sun
  77. Nothing Good Comes From Being Gone
  78. Nothing Is Alright
  79. Oatberry
  80. Old Lumina
  81. On a TV That No One Saw
  82. On The Porch Of A Home Built In 1943
  83. Outro
  84. Palindrome
  85. Remembering a Room That Isn't There
  86. Saturday Dec 14 2013
  87. Scotland, I Wish You Had Stayed
  88. Sleep
  89. Spiders
  90. The Act Of Holding On And Letting Go
  91. The Cowardly Lion Doesn't Write Love Songs
  92. The One Who Gave Up
  93. The Product Of An Angel
  94. The Repetitive Nature Of Everyday Life
  95. The Spongecake Has Gone Stale
  96. These Old Clothes
  97. They'll Like Me When I'm Sick
  98. Too Much Time
  99. Ugly Pete
  100. Uninspired Noise
  101. Waking Up Early to Leave This Place
  102. Waking Up To The Big Drill Pad
  103. Wash Away
  104. We Can Act Like It's The End Of The World
  105. We'll Hope For a Good Day
  106. We'll Live
  107. We're Fighting Again
  108. We’ll Repeat 'I Love You' Until The Mirror Breaks
  109. Wen We Met
  110. When Your Plane Lands
  111. Writing Process
  112. You Had a Panic Attack In My Bathroom
  113. You Know How to Make a Boy Feel Warm
  114. You Know How to Make a Man Feel Useless
  115. You Said Okay
  116. You Said Remembering Would Feel Too Much Like Moving Back Home
  117. You Wanted To Look For Help, I Wanted To Sit And Wait To Be Rescued
  118. You Were a Home That I Wanted To Grow Up In
  119. You Wrote "Don't Forget" On Your Arm
  120. You're an Artifact
  121. You’re a Mess In Public
  122. Your Fathers Car

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Flatsound, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Flatsound che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Flatsound, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Flatsound.

I testi delle canzoni di Flatsound seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Flatsound può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.

Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Flatsound e che ti siano utili.

Come sempre, cerchiamo di migliorare e crescere, quindi se non hai trovato i testi delle canzoni di Flatsound che cercavi, torna presto, poiché aggiorniamo frequentemente i nostri database per offrire tutte le canzoni di Flatsound e di molti altri artisti il più rapidamente possibile.

Se hai trovato la canzone di Flatsound che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.