Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Flotsam and Jetsam?
- Der Fuhrer
- Escape From Within
- Der Fuhrer
- (Ain't Nothing Gonna) Save This World
- 12 Year Old With A Gun
- 6, Six, VI
- A Place to Die
- Always
- Architects Of Hate
- Are You Willing
- Bathing In Red
- Better Off Dead
- Black Cloud
- Blackened Eyes Staring
- Bleed
- Blindside
- Blood In The Water
- Brace For Impact
- Brain Dead
- Burn The Sky
- Burned Device
- Camera Eye
- Carry On
- Chemical Noose
- Childhood Hero
- Control
- Cradle Me Now
- Cross The Sky
- Cry For The Dead
- Demolition Man
- Desecrator
- Destructive Signs
- Deviation
- Dig Me Up To Bury Me
- Doomsday For The Deceiver
- Double Zero
- Dream Scape
- Dreams Of Death
- E.M.T.E.K.
- Empty Air
- Everything
- Fade To Black
- Falling
- Falling Short
- Final Step
- Forget About Heaven
- Forkboy
- Frustrate
- Fuckers
- Gitty Up
- Good Or Bad
- Greed
- Grey Dragon
- Hallucinational
- Hammerhead
- Hard On You
- High
- High Noon
- Hypocrite
- Hypodermic Midnight Snack
- I Believe
- I Live You Die
- Iron Tears
- It's On Me
- K.Y.A.
- Keep Breathing
- Killing Time
- Learn To Dance
- Liquid Noose
- Lucky Day
- Me
- Metalshock
- Misguided Fortune
- Missing
- Monster
- My God
- N.E. Terror
- Natural Enemies
- Never To Reveal
- No More Fun
- No Place For Disgrace
- Nothing To Say
- Ocotober Thorns
- Out Of Mind
- P.A.A.B.
- Pick A Window
- Play Your Part
- Poet's Tell
- Prepare For Chaos
- Prisoner Of Time
- Promise Keepers
- Rabbit's Foot
- Reaggression
- Recover
- Remember
- Run And Hide
- Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
- Scars
- Secret Life
- Secret Square
- Seven Seconds 'Til The End Of The World
- She Took An Axe
- Slowly Insane
- Smoked Out
- Snake Eye
- Straight To Hell
- Suffer The Masses
- Survive
- Swatting At Flies
- Take
- The Cold
- The End
- The Jones
- The Master Sleeps
- The Message
- The Walls
- The Wicked Hour
- To Be Free
- Toast
- Too Many Lives
- Trash
- U.L.S.W.
- Ugly Noise
- Undone
- Unwelcome Surprise
- Wading Through The Darkness
- Way To Go
- Weather To Do
- Welcome To The Bottom
- Win, Lose Or Dead
- Your Hands
I Flotsam and Jetsam sono un gruppo musicale thrash metal di Phoenix, Arizona, fondato nel 1981.
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