Testi delle Canzoni di Francesca Battistelli

  1. Holy Spirit
  2. He Knows My Name
  3. Beautiful, Beautiful
  4. The Breakup Song
  5. Be Born In Me (Mary)
  6. Choose To Love
  7. Giants Fall
  8. Hands of God
  9. Hundred More Years
  10. If We're Honest
  11. This Is The Stuff
  12. Write Your Story
  13. Acquainted
  14. Angel By Your Side
  15. As Good As It Gets
  16. Beautiful
  17. Behind the scenes
  18. Blue Sky
  19. Bolivia
  20. Carolin'
  21. Christmas Is
  22. Constant
  23. Cover Some Ground
  24. Defender
  25. Don't Miss It
  26. Emily
  27. Emily (It's Love)
  28. Find Rest
  29. Forever Love
  30. Free To Be Me
  31. Freedom
  32. Future
  33. Give Me Wings
  34. Go, Tell It On The Mountain
  35. God I Look To You
  36. God Is Good
  37. Good To Know
  38. Heaven Everywhere
  39. Hold Out For Love
  40. I Am Home
  41. I'm Here
  42. I'm Letting Go
  43. In Your Eyes
  44. It's your life
  45. Ivan's Song
  46. Joy To The World
  47. Just A Breath
  48. Just The Same
  49. Keeping Me Guessing (Acoustic)
  50. Keeping Score
  51. Kings Out of Fools
  52. Lavish (feat. Big Daddy Weave)
  53. Lead Me To The Cross
  54. Let The Light In
  55. Like a Sparrow
  56. Love Somebody
  57. Messiah
  58. Middle Of A Miracle
  59. Montion Of Mercy
  60. Motion of Mercy
  61. My Paper Heart
  62. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  63. Oh, Son of God
  64. Royalty
  65. Run To Jesus
  66. So Long
  67. Someday Soon
  68. Something More
  69. Strangely Dim
  70. Symphony
  71. The Christmas Song
  72. The Very Best
  73. There's No Other Name
  74. This Could Change Everything
  75. Time in Between
  76. Tonight (feat. All Sons & Daughters)
  77. Trampoline
  78. Uncertain
  79. Unpredictable
  80. Unusual
  81. We Are The Kingdom
  82. What Child Is This? (First Noel Prelude)
  83. When The Crazy Kicks In
  84. Where Were You
  85. Worth It
  86. You Belong
  87. You Never Are
  88. You're here

Francesca Battistelli (New York, 18 maggio 1985) è una cantante statunitense.

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