Testi delle Canzoni di Frank Turner

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Frank Turner.

  1. Long Live The Queen
  2. A Decent Cup of Tea
  3. A Love Worth Keeping
  4. A Perfect Wife
  5. A Wave Across a Bay
  6. Anymore
  7. Back In The Day
  8. Back To Sleep
  9. Balthazar, Impresario
  10. Be More Kind
  11. Better Half
  12. Blackout
  13. Broken Piano
  14. Casanova Lament
  15. Cowboy Chords
  16. Dan's Song
  17. Dancing Queen
  18. Demons
  19. Don't Worry
  20. English Curse
  21. Eulogy
  22. Eye Of The Day
  23. Faithful Son
  24. Farewell To My City
  25. Father's Day
  26. Fatherless
  27. Fix Me
  28. Four Simple Words
  29. Front Crawl
  30. Get Better
  31. Glorious You
  32. Glory Hallelujah
  33. Good And Gone
  34. Haven't Been Doing So Well
  35. Heartless Bastard Motherfucker
  36. Hold Your Tongue
  37. I Am Disappeared
  38. I Believed You, William Blake
  39. I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous
  40. I Knew Prufrock Before He Was Famous
  41. I Really Don't Care What You Did On Your Gap Year
  42. I Still Believe
  43. If Ever I Stray
  44. Imperfect Tense
  45. Isabel
  46. Jet Lag
  47. Jinny Bingham's Ghost
  48. Josephine
  49. Journey Of The Magi
  50. Little Life
  51. Live Fast Die Old
  52. Longing For The Day
  53. Losing Days
  54. Love Forty Down
  55. Love Ire & Song
  56. Miranda
  57. Mittens
  58. Must Try Harder
  59. My Bad
  60. My Kingdom For A Horse
  61. Nashville Tennessee
  62. Nica
  63. Nights Become Days
  64. Non Serviam
  65. Oh Brother
  66. Once We Were Anarchists
  67. One Foot Before The Other
  68. Our Lady Of The Campfire
  69. Out Of Breath
  70. Pass It Along
  71. Pay To Cum
  72. Peggy Sang The Blues
  73. Perfect Score
  74. Photosynthesis
  75. Plain Sailing Weather
  76. Poetry Of The Deed
  77. Polaroid Picture
  78. Punches
  79. Reasons Not To Be An Idiot
  80. Recovery
  81. Redemption
  82. Rescue Annie
  83. Richard Divine
  84. Rivers
  85. Rock & Roll Romance
  86. Romantic Fatigue
  87. Rosemary Jane
  88. Sailor's Boots
  89. Sea Legs
  90. Silent Key
  91. Sister Rosetta
  92. Smiling At Strangers On Trains
  93. Song For Eva Mae
  94. Song For Josh
  95. Sons Of Liberty
  96. St Christopher Is Coming Home
  97. Stephen Plays The Drums (feat. Jon Snodgrass)
  98. Substitute
  99. Sunday Nights
  100. Sunshine State
  101. Tattoos
  102. Tell Tale Signs
  103. Thatcher Fucked The Kids
  104. The Angel Islington
  105. The Ballad Of Me And My Friends
  106. The Death Of Dora Hand
  107. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
  108. The Fastest Way Back Home
  109. The Fisher King Blues
  110. The Gathering
  111. The Graveyard Of The Outcast Dead
  112. The Hymn Of Kassiani
  113. The Ladies Of London Town
  114. The Lioness
  115. The Next Round
  116. The Next Storm
  117. The Opening Act Of Spring
  118. The Outdoor Type
  119. The Quiet One
  120. The Real Damage
  121. The Resurrectionists
  122. The Road
  123. The Way I Tend To Be
  124. The Work
  125. This Town Ain't Big Enough For The One Of Me
  126. Time Machine
  127. To Absent Friends
  128. To Take You Home
  129. Try This At Home
  130. Undeveloped Film
  131. Untainted Love
  132. Vital Signs
  133. Wanderlust
  134. We Shall Not Overcome
  135. Wessex Boy
  136. Wherefore Art Thou Gene Simmons?
  137. Wisdom Teeth
  138. Worse Things Happen At Sea
  139. You Are My Sunshine
  140. No Thank You For The Music
  141. Do One
  142. Girl From The Record Shop

Frank Turner (n. 1981), cantante e compositore britannico Frank Rahim Turner (n. 1988), cestista statunitense

I testi delle canzoni di Frank Turner seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

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