Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Frenzal Rhomb?
- When My Baby Smiles At Me I Go To Rehab
- 4 Litres
- 5000 cigarettes
- 60, Beautiful & Mine
- Albino Holiday
- All Hail The Weekend
- All The Kids Are Having Kids
- All Your Friends
- Alvarez
- Back To The Suburbs
- Bag Of Bucks
- Ballchef
- Be Still My Beating Off
- Ben
- Ben Is A Cunt
- Ben!!
- Big Brother
- Big Paranoia
- Bird Attack
- Brian's Problems
- Bronze For Strayia
- Bucket Bong
- Caps Lock
- Cheer Up
- Chemotherapy
- Classic Pervert
- Cockroach Lightswitch
- Cocksucker
- Coming Home
- Cones
- Constable Care
- Cruelty To Animals
- Cunt Act
- Dance-ecution
- Dead Celebrity
- Disappointment
- Do You Wanna Fight Me?
- Don't Let The Bastards Keep You Down
- Don't Shoot The Guests
- Don't Speak
- Don't Talk To Me
- Don't Touch The Rabbit
- Door
- Dr. Lindeman's Adventure Family Theme Park World
- Drugged By The Cops
- Dugadugabowbow
- Edward Sausage Fangs
- Everything You Do Is Shit
- Everything's Fucked
- Find Your Own Way Home
- Forever Malcolm Young
- Fraud
- Fuck You And Your Stupid Band
- Genitals Are Funny
- Genius
- Get In The Van
- Get Off
- Go Frenzal Go
- Goon Wolf
- Graham 'abo' Henry
- Greyhound
- Guns Don't Kill Ducklings (Ducklings Kill Ducklings)
- Had Enough
- Hakimashita
- Hate
- Hate Is Not A Family Value
- Here Today Gone Late Today
- Hippy Song
- Holiday Not Vacation
- Home And Away
- Home Made Video
- Human Excreta
- Hungry Jacks Carparks
- I Don't Need Your Loving
- I Hate My Brain
- I Know Everything About Everything
- I Know Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct
- I Love Fucking Up
- I Miss My Lung
- I Went Out With A Hippy And Know I Love Everyone
- I'm A Backwards Fucken Useless Piece Of Dogshit... And I Vote
- I'm The Problem With Society
- Infotainment
- It's Up To You
- Jesus
- Johnny Ramone Was In A Fucken Good Band, But He Was A Cunt (gabba Gabba You Suck)
- Kaan Kaant
- Knuckleheads
- Lead Poisoned Jean
- Let's Drink A Beer
- Local Resident Failure
- Looking Good
- Medicine Balls
- Methadone
- Metrognome
- Million
- Million 2
- Mr Charisma
- Mum Changed The Locks
- Mummy Doesn't Know You're a Nazi
- My Dearest Friend
- My Girlfriend's A Man
- My Pants Keep Falling Down
- Never Had So Much Fun
- No Thought
- Not So Tough Now
- Not Your Thyme
- Nothing's Wrong
- Pants
- Parasite
- Phil
- Predickle Me This
- Punch In The Face
- Punisher
- Put It Down
- Racist
- Rats In The Walls
- Ray Ahn Is My Spirit Animal
- Red Wine And Altar Boys
- Richer Than You
- Roger
- Rojer
- Rum
- Run
- Run Away
- Russell Crowe's Band
- Self Destructor
- She's Not Happy
- Ship Of Beers
- Sick And Tired
- Snouts In The Trough
- Sodom The Clown
- Stand Up
- Stand Up And Be Cunted
- Suburban Male
- Summer's Here
- Thanks For Nothing
- Thats Just Not Legal
- The Ballad Of Tim Webster
- The Best Guy
- The People At No. 60...
- The Rude Tourist
- The Writing's On The Wall
- There's Your Dad
- U.S.Anus
- Uncle Ken
- Urban Myth
- War
- Wasted
- We're Going Out Tonight
- Wha' Happened?
- When Will I See You At The Icu?
- White World
- Who Can You Trust?
- Who'd Be A Cop?
- Why Aren't You Dead?
- Wish You Were There
- World's Fuckedest Cunt
- Wrong Is Right
- You Are A Knob
- You Are Not My Friend
- You Can't Move Into My House
- You Need A Friend
- You'll Go To Jail
- You're O.k
- You're OK
I Frenzal Rhomb sono un gruppo pop punk australiano formatosi nel 1991 a Sydney. La band è al momento composta da Jason Whalley (voce), Lindsay McDougall (chitarra), Tom Crease (basso) e Gordy Foreman (batteria).
Dopo aver suonato di spalla a band del calibro di Bad Religion, The Offspring e Blink-182, la band pubblicò nel 1995 il suo primo album, Coughing Up a Storm. Cambiato il titolo in Once a Jolly Swagman Always a Jolly Swagman, l'album fu ripubblicato un paio di anni più tardi da Liberation Records, giungendo così all'attenzione del frontman dei NOFX e proprietario della Fat Wreck Chords, Fat Mike, che ne rimase impressionato e fece pubblicare l'EP 4 Litres sulla sua etichetta.
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