Testi delle Canzoni di Gorgon City

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Gorgon City.

  1. A Lot Like Heaven (feat. Julia Church)
  2. Voodoo
  3. You’ve Done Enough (feat. Drama)
  4. Imagination (feat. Katy Menditta)
  5. Heartless (feat. RAHH)
  6. Tell Me It's True
  7. There For You (feat. MK)
  8. All Four Walls (feat. Vaults)
  9. Body Language
  10. Burning
  11. Coming Home (feat. Maverick Sabre)
  12. Doing It Wrong
  13. Dreams (feat. Jem Cooke)
  14. Ecstasy (feat. Jem Cooke)
  15. Foolproof (feat. Hayden James & Nat Dunn)
  16. Freedom (feat. Josh Barry)
  17. FTPA (feat. Erik Hassle)
  18. Go All Night (feat. Jennifer Hudson)
  19. Hard On Me (feat. Maverick Sabre)
  20. Here For You (feat. Laura Welsh)
  21. House Arrest (feat. Sofi Tukker)
  22. Intentions (feat. Clean Bandit)
  23. Lost & Found (feat. Drama)
  24. Lost Feelings
  25. Lover Like You (feat. Katy B)
  26. Never Let Me Down (feat. Hayley May)
  27. Nobody (feat. DRAMA)
  28. One Last Song (feat. JP Cooper & Yungen)
  29. Oxygen (feat. Aura James)
  30. Pose (feat. Nez)
  31. Ready For Your Love (feat. MNEK)
  32. Real (feat. Yasmin)
  33. Remember (feat. Sonny Fodera, Danny Howard & Stevie Appleton)
  34. Saving My Life (Feat. Romans)
  35. Sidewindah (feat. Flirta D)
  36. Sweet Temptation
  37. Tears (feat. Grace Grundy)
  38. Thoughts Of You
  39. Unmissable (feat. Zak Abel)
  40. Waiting For The Right Time
  41. When You’re Gone
  42. Breathe You In (feat. NORTH)

I Gorgon City sono un duo di DJ inglesi formato da Kye "Foamo" Gibbon e Matt "RackNRuin" Robson-Scott. Nel corso della loro carriera hanno realizzato 3 album in studio nonché vari singoli e remix ufficiali.

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