Testi delle Canzoni di Grand Belial's Key

  1. Foul Parody Of The Lord's Supper
  2. Shemhamforash
  3. On a Mule Rides the Swindler
  4. The Slums Of Jerusalem
  5. Vultures of Misfortune
  6. The Shitagogue
  7. When Darkness Rears Itself a Throne
  8. Brook Of Kedron / The Mourners Flock to Gethsemane
  9. Castrate The Redeemer
  10. Conspicuous Imagery Adorns The Nunery
  11. Demonarchy
  12. Doom Generation (Chaos88 cover)
  13. Doves Of War
  14. Fecal Parturition
  15. Goat of a Thousand Young
  16. Hobo of Aramaic Tongues
  17. Holy Shit (Chaos88 cover)
  18. Immaculate Latrine
  19. In Rapture By The Fenrir Moon
  20. Kingdom of Poisoned Fruits
  21. Lamb Of God Slain Will Be
  22. Pimps Of Gennesaret
  23. Reflections Of The Coffin Lid
  24. Satanicunt
  25. Savouring The Virgin's Pessary
  26. Sleeping Princes Of The Arges
  27. Son of the Black Ram
  28. Sumerian Fairytale
  29. The Bearded Hustlers
  30. The Beardled Hustlers
  31. The Holocaust Trumpeter
  32. The Red Heifer
  33. The Seventh Enochian Key
  34. The Tenderhearted's Manifesto
  35. The Tricifixion of Swine
  36. Yahweh's Charlatans

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