Testi delle Canzoni di Henson Cargill

Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Henson Cargill che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Henson Cargill, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.

  1. All Over The World
  2. Big Bad John
  3. Blackjack County Chain
  4. Boxer
  5. But you know I love you
  6. By The Time I Get To Phoenix
  7. Chilling Of The Evening
  8. Circles
  9. City Boy Country Born
  10. City Of New Orleans
  11. Coming On Strong
  12. Cooper's Lament
  13. Daddy What's a Tree
  14. Distant Drums
  15. Four Long Seasons
  16. Garden Song
  17. Gentle on my mind
  18. Give It All You Got
  19. Green Green Grass Of Home
  20. Greenback dollar
  21. Hangin' on
  22. Husbands and wives
  23. I like having you around
  24. I Ride An Old Paint
  25. I take a lot of pride in what I am
  26. I wish I'd known enough about love
  27. It just don't take me long to say goodbye
  28. It's Over
  29. Jody and the kid
  30. Just As Much As Ever
  31. Less of me
  32. Little Girls And Little Boys
  33. Love of the common people
  34. Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
  35. None of my business
  36. Old dogs children and watermelon wine
  37. Saginaw Michigan
  38. Scarlet ribbons (For her hair)
  39. She still comes to me (To pour the wine)
  40. She thinks I'm on that train
  41. Six white horses
  42. Skip a Rope
  43. Some old California memory
  44. Tall oak tree
  45. The Strawberry Roan
  46. This generation shall not pass
  47. Today I started loving you again
  48. Very Well Traveled Man
  49. Walking on new grass
  50. Welcome to my world
  51. With Pen In Hand

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