Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Horrible Histories?
- Rosa Parks: I Sat On a Bus
- Henry VII: The Original Tu-Tu-Tudor
- RAF Pilots
- Dick Turpin
- Divorced, Beheaded, Died
- Flame
- (Not So) Silent Night
- Alexander The Great Song
- Aztec Priests Song
- Bad Duke Wenceslas
- Blackbeard's Song
- Blue Blooded Blues
- Boudicca
- British Things
- Burke and Hare
- Caveman Love
- Celtic Boast Battle
- Charles Dickens
- Charles II
- Cleopatra
- Death's Favourite Things
- English Civil War
- Evil Roman Emperors (Bad)
- Funky Monks
- George IV
- Georgian Lady
- Georgian Navy
- Hieroglyphics
- I'm a Greek
- I'm a Knight
- It's Not True
- Joan Of Arc
- Literally (The Viking Song)
- Luddites
- Making A Mummy
- Mary I
- Mary Seacole
- Minted
- Natural Selection (Charles Darwin)
- Norman Family Tree
- O Christmas Tree
- Opening Theme
- Owain Glyndwr
- Pachacuti Song
- Pilgrim Rap
- Richard III
- Shooby Dooby Dooby Shakespeare
- Spartan High School Musical
- Suffragettes
- The 4 Georges: Born 2 Rule
- The Ages of Stone
- The Borgia Family
- The Cowboy Song
- The Grate Plague
- The Kings And Queens Song (Ruthless Rulers)
- The Thinkers
- Transportation Song
- Victoria And Albert
- Victorian Inventions
- Viking Peace
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- We're Tudors
- William Wallace, Scottish Rebel
- Work, Terrible Work
- World War Two Girls
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