- Carbon Heart Radio Or $80 Haircut
- Fuck, I Hope You're Not Pregnant Or Hey, So You Think A Vasectomy Is Covered By My Health Insurance?
- Hell Awaits Hostage Life Or The Virgin Mary's Immaculate DP
- Hostage Life Are Fucking Alive And Well Or Paul Miller's Armada Featuring Eric Gaudet
- Hostage Life's Legally Distinct Cola Commercial Or You're Stupid And You're Gross But If You Drink This Someone Might Actually Love You
- How To Die With A Smile i) Determine Whether Or Not You Wish To Depart ii) Set Date iii) Find An Exit Buddy
- Of Shotguns And Pleasure Wands Or A Sincere Tip Of The Hat To That Cocksucker Lenny Bruce
- Securing My Seat (On The Hostage Life Board Of Directors) Or "Is That Blood On Your Collar?" "No, It's Lipstick, I Swear
- Sons Of Hostage Life Or This Name Tag Reads "Fuck You
- The Last Superman Or Fall Of The Ubermensch
- The Quietest Mutiny Or Dear Leader
- This Song Was Written By Committee Or We Simply Feed These Figures Into The Melodiotron And, Voila, An Instant Hit
- We Will Make You Crawl Or Just Pretend That Your Lips Are Stitched, And Let Us Do The Thinking
- When I Get Cancer Or Fuck It, Just Cut Out All The Parts Of Me That Have Stopped Working
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