Testi delle Canzoni di ICarly

  1. Leave It All To Me
  2. I Don't Wanna Be In Love - Good Charlotte
  3. Face In The Hall - The Naked Brothers Band
  4. Leave All To Me (theme Song)
  5. Thunder
  6. About Me?
  7. About You Now
  8. Adored
  9. Adored Rough Mix
  10. All I Want For Christmas Is You
  11. All Kinds Of Wrong
  12. All Kinds of Wrong - Miranda Cosgrove
  13. Back To One
  14. Bam
  15. Beautiful Girls
  16. Blueberry Belly Button
  17. Brand New You
  18. Break Your Heart
  19. Build-a-bra
  20. Call Me
  21. Christmas Wrapping
  22. Coming Home
  23. Dance Floor Anthem (I Don't Want to Be in Love)
  24. Dancing Crazy
  25. Dancing Crazy Icarly
  26. Daydream
  27. Feels Good To Feel Right
  28. Fyi
  29. Gas Station Snacks
  30. Generation Love
  31. Girlfriend
  32. Headphones Are Huge
  33. Headphones On
  34. Hot N' Cold
  35. I Like That Girl
  36. I Will Be
  37. I'm Grown
  38. I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You
  39. ICarly
  40. IGoodbye
  41. Leave It All To Me
  42. Leave It All To Shine (feat. Victoria Justice)
  43. Lets Hear It For The Boy
  44. Locked In The Closet
  45. Million Dollars
  46. Move - Menudo
  47. My World
  48. Not That Far Away
  49. Running Away
  50. Sam's Second Toe
  51. Shakespeare
  52. Stay My Baby
  53. Suckish Improv Game
  54. Take Me Back
  55. Ten Things Boys Like
  56. The Countdown
  57. The Jokes Is On You
  58. We Hated Your Girlfriend
  59. What's Next, Baby?
  60. World's Fattest Priest
  61. You Can't do That!

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