Testi delle Canzoni di In Hearts Wake

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di In Hearts Wake?

  1. 11:11
  2. 2033
  3. A Little Robin Told Me
  4. Aether
  5. Afterglow
  6. all the good girls go to hell (triple j Like a Version)
  7. And You Wear Too Much Make-Up
  8. Arrow
  9. B.I.A (The Hanged Man)
  10. Badlands
  11. Breakaway
  12. Casualty of the Core
  13. Catharsis
  14. Come Get It
  15. Cottonmouth
  16. Crisis
  17. Crossroads
  18. Crucifix Escapist
  19. Departure (death)
  20. Divine
  21. Dream Come True
  22. Dystopia
  23. Earthwalker
  24. Earthwalker (feat. Joel Birch)
  25. Elemental
  26. Erase
  27. Fairy Tales And Happy Endings
  28. Falling In Love Is Like Setting Yourself On Fire..
  29. False Prophet Preaching
  30. Father
  31. Flow
  32. Force Of Life
  33. Freak
  34. Frequency
  35. Gaia
  36. Go Away
  37. Gotham City
  38. Gravity
  39. Healer
  40. Hellbringer
  41. Heroes
  42. Husk
  43. Inertia (The Hanged Man)
  44. Inertia (The Hermit)
  45. Insomnia
  46. Internal Affairs
  47. Intrepid
  48. Iron Dice
  49. Last Beat of My Heart
  50. Loreley (The Lovers)
  51. Mistakes
  52. Most Precious Blood
  53. Mother
  54. Moving On
  55. Nāgá
  56. Nautilus
  57. Neverland (the Star)
  58. No Way Out
  59. Nomad
  60. Northern Lights
  61. Nothing
  62. Now
  63. Oblivion
  64. Overthrow
  65. Passage
  66. Rage
  67. Rebirth
  68. Release (the Moon)
  69. Sacred
  70. Samaritan
  71. Seclusion
  72. Shapeless (judgement)
  73. Skydancer
  74. Son Of a Witch
  75. Stop Trying
  76. Survival (the Chariot)
  77. That's Right
  78. The Last Endeavour
  79. The Unknown (strength)
  80. The World Is Just Another Thing In My Way
  81. This Time Tomorrow
  82. Timebomb
  83. Totality
  84. Traveller (the Fool)
  85. True Love Is Hard To Find
  86. Truenorth
  87. W2HA
  88. Warcry
  89. Waterborne
  90. What Culture
  91. What do I Say
  92. Wildfire
  93. Wildflower
  94. Winterfell (the Tower)
  95. Worldwide Suicide
  96. You Don't Know Me
  97. You Lose

Gli In Hearts Wake sono un gruppo musicale australiano formatosi a Byron Bay nel 2006.

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