Testi delle Canzoni di Iron Savior

Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Iron Savior che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Iron Savior, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.

  1. Heavy Metal Never Dies
  2. Starlight
  3. A Tale From Down Below
  4. After The War
  5. Ascendence
  6. Assailant
  7. Assailant 2016 (Japan Bonus)
  8. Atlantis Falling
  9. Back Into The Light
  10. Battering Ram
  11. Before The Pain
  12. Beyond The Horizon
  13. Brave New World
  14. Break It Up
  15. Break The Curse
  16. Brothers (Of The Past)
  17. Brothers In Arms
  18. Burning Heart
  19. Captain's Log
  20. Children Of The Wasteland
  21. Coming Home
  22. Condition Red
  23. Contortions Of Time
  24. Crazy
  25. Cyber Hero
  26. Cybernetic Queen
  27. Dance With Somebody
  28. Deadly Sleep
  29. Delivering The Goods
  30. Desert Plains
  31. Dragon King
  32. Dragons Rising
  33. Dragonslayer
  34. Ease Your Pain
  35. End Of The Rainbow
  36. Eternal Quest
  37. Eye Of The World
  38. Eye To Eye
  39. Farewell And Good Bye
  40. Faster Than All
  41. Firestorm
  42. Firing The Guns
  43. Fistraiser
  44. Flesh
  45. For The World
  46. Forces Of Rage
  47. Forever More
  48. From Dust And Rubble
  49. From Far Beyond Time
  50. Gorgar
  51. Gunsmoke
  52. Hall Of The Heroes
  53. Headhunter
  54. Heavy Metal Powered Man
  55. Hellbreaker
  56. Heroes Ascending
  57. I Surrender
  58. I Will Be There
  59. I've Been To Hell
  60. Iron Savior
  61. Iron Warrior
  62. Ironbound
  63. Kill Or Get Killed
  64. Last Hero
  65. Legends Of Glory
  66. Living On A Fault Line
  67. Machine World
  68. Made Of Metal
  69. March Of Doom
  70. Megatropolis
  71. Mind Over Matter
  72. Mindfeeder
  73. Moment In Time
  74. Neon Knights
  75. Never Say Die
  76. Never Stop Believing
  77. No Guts, No Glory
  78. No Heros
  79. Ode To The Brave
  80. Our Time Has Come
  81. Paradies
  82. Phaton of Death
  83. Predators
  84. Prisoner Of The Void
  85. Protect The Law
  86. Protector
  87. Protector 2016
  88. R.U. Ready?
  89. R&R Addiction
  90. Raise The Flag
  91. Rebellious
  92. Revenge Of The Bride
  93. Riding Free
  94. Riding On Fire
  95. Roaring Thunder
  96. Running Riot
  97. Seek And Destroy
  98. Seize The Day
  99. Silver Bullet
  100. Sinner Or Saint
  101. Skycrest
  102. Solar Wings
  103. Souleater
  104. Stand Against The King
  105. Stand Up An Fight
  106. Starborn
  107. Starchaser
  108. Still I Believe
  109. Stonecold
  110. Strike Down The Tyranny
  111. Tales Of The Bold
  112. The Arrival
  113. The Battle
  114. The Demon
  115. The Guardian
  116. The Hatchet Of War
  117. The Omega Man
  118. The Rage
  119. The Savior
  120. The Sun Won't Rise In Hell
  121. There Can Be Only One
  122. This Flight Tonight
  123. Thunder From The Mountains
  124. Thunderbird
  125. Time Will Tell
  126. Titancraft
  127. Titans Of Our Time
  128. Touching The Rainbow
  129. Tyranny Of Steel
  130. Unchained
  131. Until We Meet Again
  132. Walls Of Fire
  133. Warrior
  134. Watcher In The Sky
  135. Way Of The Blade
  136. Welcome To The New World
  137. Wings Of Deliverance

Gli Iron Savior sono un gruppo power metal tedesco fondato nel 1997 da Piet Sielck, Kai Hansen (Helloween, Gamma Ray) e Thomas Stauch (Blind Guardian).

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