Testo di 'Oh How That German Could Love' di Irving Berlin

Adori la canzone Oh How That German Could Love? Non riesci a capire bene cosa dice? Hai bisogno del testo di Oh How That German Could Love di Irving Berlin? Sei nel posto che ha le risposte ai tuoi desideri.

[1st verse:]
Once I got stuck on a sweet little German
And oh what a German was she
The best that was walking, well what's the use talking
Was just made to order for me
So lovely, and witty, more yet she was pretty
You don't know until you have tried
She had such a figure, it couldn't be bigger
And there was some more yet beside

Oh how that German could love
With a feeling that came from the heart
She called me her honey, her angel, her money
She pushed ev'ry word out so smart
She spoke like a speaker, and oh what a speech
Like no other speaker could speak
Ach my what a German when she kissed her Herman
It stayed on my cheek for a week

[2nd verse:]
This girl could squeeze, and it never would hurt
For that lady knew just how to squeeze
Her loving was killing, more yet she was willing
You never would have to say please
I just couldn't stop her, for dinner and supper
Some kisses and hugs was the food
When she wasn't nice it was more better twice
When she's bad she was better than good

[2nd chorus]
Oh how that German could love
With a sweetness that's sweeter than sweet
Just say what you please, you would hug and you'd squeeze
Just the shoes that she wore on her feet
Her smile was like money that somebody owed you
That somebody wanted to give
When you felt like dying and she started sighing
Ach my it was worthwhile to live

[3rd verse:]
Sometimes we'd love for a week at a time
And it only would seem like a day
How well I remember, one night in December
I felt like the middle of May
I'll bet all I'm worth that when she came on earth
All the angels went out on parade
No other one turned up, I think that they burned up
The pattern from which she was made

[3rd refrain:]
Oh how that German could love
With a love like you see in a play
When she said, "My dear," it would ring in my ear
For a year, and a week and a day
Her no was like yes, and her yes was like no
It was something like yes, it was, well
When we got together ach donner und vetter
'Twas love with a capital "L"

Ci sono molte ragioni per voler conoscere il testo di Oh How That German Could Love di Irving Berlin.

La ragione più comune per voler conoscere il testo di Oh How That German Could Love è che ti piace molto. Ovviamente, no?

Quando ci piace molto una canzone, come potrebbe essere il tuo caso con Oh How That German Could Love di Irving Berlin, desideriamo poterla cantare conoscendo bene il testo.

Sapere cosa dice il testo di Oh How That German Could Love ci permette di mettere più sentimento nell'interpretazione.

Se la tua motivazione per aver cercato il testo della canzone Oh How That German Could Love era che ti piaceva moltissimo, speriamo che tu possa goderti il cantarla.

Sentiti come una star cantando la canzone Oh How That German Could Love di Irving Berlin, anche se il tuo pubblico sono solo i tuoi due gatti.

Nel caso in cui la tua ricerca del testo della canzone Oh How That German Could Love di Irving Berlin sia perché ti fa pensare a qualcuno in particolare, ti proponiamo di dedicargliela in qualche modo, ad esempio inviandogli il link di questo sito web, sicuramente capirà l'indiretta.

Qualcosa che succede più spesso di quanto pensiamo è che le persone cercano il testo di Oh How That German Could Love perché c'è qualche parola nella canzone che non capiscono bene e vogliono assicurarsi di cosa dica.