Testo di 'Yiddisha Eyes' di Irving Berlin

[1st verse:]
Benny Bloom went to a swell affair
Given by a real millionaire
Jenny Golden Dollars was there
Now comes the bus'ness end
Benny, to a friend, said, "Introduce me to Miss Jenny, do!"
Soon he whispered, "Pleased to meet you too!"
Then young Benny winked at Jenny
With his Yiddisha eyes

Oi, Oi, Oi, those Yiddisha eyes!
Benny had those Yiddisha eyes
That shone so bright, with an Israel light
Eyes that could tell a diamond in the night
Oi, Oi, Oi, those Yiddisha eyes!
Benny had those Yiddisha eyes!
He took a look in her bankbook
With his Yiddisha eyes

[2nd verse:]
Ben looked at her finger with his eyes
Next day bought a ring the proper size
Jenny's bus'ness father got wise!
Now comes the finish part
Benny, from his heart, began to shout, "I love your daughter fine!"
Jenny's pa cried, "That's how I got mine!"
Benny, bending, saw the ending
With his Yiddisha eyes

[2nd refrain:]
Oi, Oi, Oi, those Yiddisha eyes!
Benny had those Yiddisha eyes
That shone so bright, with an Israel light
Eyes that could tell a diamond in the night
Oi, Oi, Oi, those Yiddisha eyes!
Benny had those Yiddisha eyes!
He said, "Farewell," the teardrops fell
From his Yiddisha eyes

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