Testi delle Canzoni di Paul Kelly

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Paul Kelly.

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Paul Kelly?

  1. Touchy Babe
  2. (You Can Put Your) Shoes Under My Bed
  3. Adelaide
  4. After The Show
  5. Alive And Well
  6. Alone With You
  7. Anastasia Changes Her Mind
  8. Beautiful Feeling
  9. Before The Old Man Died
  10. Before Too Long
  11. Beggar On The Street Of Love
  12. Behind The Bowler's Arm
  13. Bicentennial
  14. Big Heart
  15. Billy Baxter
  16. Blue Stranger
  17. Blues For Skip
  18. Blush
  19. Bradman
  20. Brand New Ways
  21. Brighter
  22. Careless
  23. Change Your Mind
  24. Cherry
  25. Clean This House
  26. Crosstown
  27. Darling It Hurts
  28. Deeper Water
  29. Desdemona
  30. Don't Explain
  31. Don't Harm The Messenger
  32. Don't Stand So Close To The Window
  33. Don't Start Me Talking
  34. Down On My Speedway
  35. Dumb Things
  36. Elly
  37. Every Fucking City
  38. Everything's Turning To White
  39. Fall Guy
  40. Feeling Of Grief
  41. Forbidden Street
  42. From Little Things Big Things Grow
  43. From St Kilda to Kings Cross
  44. Ghost Town
  45. Glory Be To God
  46. Going About My Father's Business
  47. Gossip
  48. Happy Slave
  49. Hard Knocks
  50. He Can't Decide
  51. How to Make Gravy
  52. I Can't Believe We Were Married
  53. I Close My Eyes And Think Of You
  54. I Don't Remember A Thing
  55. I Had Forgotten You
  56. I Hate To Watch You Loving Him
  57. I Still Pray Feat Kasey Chamber
  58. I Wish I Was A Train
  59. I Won't Be Torn Apart
  60. I Won't Be Your Dog Anymore
  61. I've Come For Your Daughter
  62. If I Could Just Start Today Again
  63. Incident On South Dowling
  64. Invisible Me
  65. It's All Downhill From Here
  66. Just Like Animals
  67. Keep It To Yourself
  68. Keep On Driving
  69. Last Resort
  70. Last Train To Heaven
  71. Leaps And Bounds
  72. Leaving Her For The Last Time
  73. Lenny (To Live Is To Burn)
  74. Little Boy Don't Lose Your Balls
  75. Little Decisions
  76. Look So Fine, Feel So Low
  77. Love Is The Law
  78. Love Never Runs On Time
  79. Luck
  80. Maralinga (Rainy Land)
  81. Melbourne Girls
  82. Midnight Rain
  83. Most Wanted Man In The World
  84. No You
  85. Nowhere To Hide
  86. Pigeon/Jundamurra
  87. Please Send Me
  88. Promise Not To Tell
  89. Rally Round The Drum
  90. Randwick Bells
  91. Recognition
  92. Right Outta My Head
  93. Satisfy Your Woman
  94. See You In Paradise
  95. She Answers The Sun
  96. She's A Melody (Stupid Song)
  97. Skidding Hearts
  98. So Blue
  99. Some Guys
  100. Somebody's Forgetting Somebody (Somebody's Letting Somebody Down)
  101. Somewhere In The City
  102. South Of Germany
  103. Standing On The Street Of Early Sorrows
  104. Stealing In The Name Of The Lord
  105. Stories Of Me
  106. Summer Rain
  107. Sweet Guy
  108. Sydney From A 727
  109. Take Your Time
  110. The Ballroom
  111. The Execusion
  112. The Lowdown
  113. The Way Love Used To
  114. These Are The Days
  115. Tighten Up
  116. To Her Door
  117. Want You Back
  118. When I First Met Your Ma
  119. When The Girl's Not Even English
  120. White Train
  121. Wintercoat
  122. Words And Music
  123. You Can't Take It With You
  124. You're 39, You're Beautiful And You're Mine
  125. Young Lovers
  126. Your Little Sister (is a big girl now)

Paul Kelly, nato Paul Michael Kelly (New York, 9 agosto 1899 – Beverly Hills, 6 novembre 1956), è stato un attore statunitense, che agli esordi come attore bambino per la Vitagraph (all'età di 12 anni) fece seguire una lunghissima carriera di successo come attore cinematografico, teatrale e televisivo.

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