- Love Like Blood
- Change
- Eighties
- The Death & Resurrection Show
- $0.36
- A New Day
- A Southern Sky
- Absent Friends
- Absolute Dissent
- Adorations
- Aeon
- Age of Greed
- America
- Another Bloody Election
- Apotheosis
- Are You Receiving?
- Asteroid
- Autonomous Zone
- Big Buzz
- Birds of a Feather
- Black Moon
- Blood On Your Hands
- Butcher
- Chapter
- Chessboards
- Chop-Chop
- Colony Collapse
- Communion
- Complications
- Corporate Elect
- Dark Forces
- Darkness Before Dawn
- Dawn Of The Hive
- Delete
- Democracy
- Depthcharge
- Dominator
- Drug
- Empire Song
- Endgame
- Euphoria
- Europe
- European Super State
- Exile
- Exit
- Exorcism
- Extremities
- Feast of Blaze
- Fema Camp
- Follow The Leaders
- Frenzy
- Fresh Fever From The Skies
- Full Spectrum Dominance
- Fun And Games
- Ghost Of Ladbroke Grove
- Glitch
- Good Samaritan
- Goodbye To The Village
- Gratitude
- Harlequin
- Have a Nice Day
- Here Comes The Singularity
- Hollywood Babylon
- Honour The Fire
- Hosannas From The Basement Of Hell
- Hum
- I Am The Virus
- Implant
- Implosion
- In Cythera
- In Excelsis
- Inferno
- Inside The Termite Mound
- Intellect
- Into The Unknown
- Intravenous
- Invocation
- Jana
- Judas Goat
- Kings And Queens
- Labyrinth
- Land Of Milk And Honey
- Lanterns
- Let's All Go
- Loose Cannon
- Lord Of Chaos
- Love Of The Masses
- Lust Almighty
- Madness
- Majestic
- Mass
- Mathematics of Chaos
- Me Or You
- Medicine Wheel
- Millenium
- Money Is Not Our God
- Multitudes
- My Love Of This Land
- Nervous System
- New Cold War
- New Jerusalem
- Night Time
- North Of The Border
- Obsession
- On All Hallow's Eve
- Our Last Godbye
- Outside The Gate
- Pandemonium
- Panopticon
- Pilgrimmage
- Plague
- Pleasures of The Flesh
- Pole Shift
- Primitive
- Primobile
- Prozac People
- Pssyche
- Rapture
- Rejuvenation
- Requiem
- Rubicon
- S.O.36
- Sanity
- Savage Freedom
- Seeing Red
- Slipstream
- Solitude
- Song and Dance
- Star Spangled
- Stay One Jump Ahead
- Struggle
- Sun Goes Down
- Tabazan
- Tension
- The Beautiful Dead
- The Calling
- The Fall Of Because
- The Gathering
- The Great Cull
- The House That Pain Built
- The Lightbringer
- The Pandy's Are Coming
- The Raven King
- The Wait
- This Tribal Antidote
- This World Hell
- Tiahuanaco
- Tomorrow's World
- Total Invasion
- Trance
- Turn To Red
- Twilight Of The Mortal
- Universe B
- Unspeakable
- Unto The Ends Of The Earth
- Victory
- Walking With Gods
- War On Freedom
- Wardance
- We Have Joy
- Whiteout
- Who Told You How
- Wilful Days
- Wintergardens
- You'll Never Get To Me
- Zennon
I Killing Joke sono un gruppo musicale britannico formatosi a Notting Hill, Londra attivo dal 1979. I membri fondatori Jaz Coleman (voce, tastiere) e Geordie Walker (chitarra, basso, batteria) sono rimasti i componenti principali del gruppo nonostante i costanti cambiamenti di formazione.
La band è conosciuta per uno stile musicale che unisce l'heavy metal e il post-punk a ritmi sintetici, danzabili e tribali, una potente miscela che ha gettato le basi per la musica industrial. La voce del cantante Coleman è talvolta in stile parlato, in growl o dal timbro emozionale e melodico. Il chitarrista Walker non esegue mai assoli: afferma che John McKay di Siouxsie and the Banshees è la sua principale influenze.
I Killing Joke hanno influenzato molte band in tempi successivi come Nirvana, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Napalm Death, Big Black, Tool, Prong, Metallica, Primus, Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, Faith No More, Korn e Helmet.
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