Testi delle Canzoni di Light This City

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Light This City.

  1. Exile
  2. A Desperate Resolution
  3. Apostate
  4. Beginning With Release
  5. Bridge to Cross
  6. City of the Snares
  7. Cold
  8. Cradle for a King
  9. Facing the Thousand
  10. Fear of Heights
  11. Firehaven
  12. Fragile Heroes
  13. Give Up
  14. Guiding the North Star
  15. Laid To Rest
  16. Letter To My Abuser
  17. Like Every Song's Our Last
  18. Maddening Swarm
  19. No Solace In Sleep
  20. Obituary
  21. Parisian Sun
  22. Picture: Start
  23. Remains of the Gods
  24. Sand And Snow
  25. Say You Know
  26. Self-Portrait
  27. Sierra
  28. Stormchaser
  29. Terminal Bloom
  30. The Anhedonia Epidemic
  31. The Collector, Pt. 1: Muse
  32. The Collector, Pt. 2: Donor
  33. The Eagle
  34. The Hunt
  35. The Static Masses
  36. The Unwelcome Savior
  37. The Weight of Glory
  38. Tracks of Decay
  39. Wake Me at Sunset
  40. Your Devoted Victim

I Light This City sono una band melodic death metal della Bay Area di San Francisco fondata nel 2002.

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I testi delle canzoni di Light This City seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

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