Testi delle Canzoni di Mat Kearney

  1. Air I Breathe
  2. Better Than I Used To Be (feat. AFSHeeN)
  3. Edge Of The World
  4. Just Kids
  5. Pontiac
  6. Runaway
  7. Ships In The Night
  8. All I Have
  9. All I Need
  10. Annie
  11. Anywhere With You
  12. Billion
  13. Breathe In Breathe Out
  14. Bullet
  15. Call Me
  16. Can't Break Her Fall
  17. Can't Look Back
  18. Chasing The Light
  19. Chicago
  20. City Of Black And White
  21. Closer To Love
  22. Count On Me
  23. Crashing Down
  24. Dancing In The Dark
  25. Don't Cry For Me
  26. Down
  27. Everyone I Know
  28. Face To Face
  29. Fire And Rain
  30. Fortress
  31. Ghost
  32. Girl America
  33. Grand Canyon
  34. Head Or Your Heart
  35. Heartbeat
  36. Heartbreak Dreamer
  37. Heartbreak Dreamers
  38. Here We Go
  39. Hey Mama
  40. I Don't Really Care
  41. In The Middle
  42. Kings & Queens
  43. Learning To Love Again
  44. Let It Rain
  45. Lifeline
  46. Lifetime
  47. Los Angeles
  48. Memorized (feat. RAC)
  49. Miss You
  50. Money
  51. Moving On
  52. Never Be Ready
  53. New York To California
  54. Nothing Left To Lose
  55. On And On
  56. One Black Sheep
  57. One Heart
  58. Poor Boy
  59. Powerless
  60. Renaissance
  61. Rochester
  62. Runaway Car
  63. Save a Line
  64. Seventeen
  65. Shasta
  66. She Got The Honey
  67. Sleeping At The Wheel
  68. Something Beautiful
  69. Sooner Or Later
  70. Straight Away
  71. The Conversation
  72. Tomorrow
  73. Trainwreck
  74. Two Hearts
  75. Undeniable
  76. Wait
  77. Walking Away
  78. Wanted Man
  79. What She Wants
  80. What's A Boy To Do
  81. Where We Gonna Go From Here
  82. Won't Back Down
  83. You Woke The Morning Up
  84. Young Dumb And In Love
  85. Daydream
  86. Old Flame
  87. Dandelion
  88. Watch Me Go
  89. My Two Hands
  90. Real One

Mathew William Kearney, detto Mat (Eugene, 1º dicembre 1978), è un cantautore statunitense.

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